Sports & Recreational Activities


Dow University of Health Sciences is active in organizing inter and intra campuses sports competition of tournaments of volleyball, cricket, basketball, throw ball, net ball, football, long jump, relay race and other different games. The students of Dow University also participate in All Karachi sports competition and All Pakistan Inter University Olympics at National level organized by the Higher Education Commission HEC Pakistan.

 Dr. Mehnaz Nuruddin Gitay 

I am honored to serve as the Director of Sports at Dow University of Health Sciences, where we believe in the transformative power of sports and physical activity in shaping well-rounded individuals. It is my privilege to welcome you to our dynamic and inclusive sports community.

At Dow University of Health Sciences, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between academic pursuits and physical well-being. As the Director of Sports, my goal is to provide all students, staff, and faculty with opportunities to engage in a variety of sports and recreational activities that promote fitness, camaraderie, and personal growth.

Our university boasts state-of-the-art facilities and a wide range of sports programs catering to diverse interests and skill levels. Whether you’re passionate about cricket, basketball, badminton, chess, or any other sport, there’s something for everyone here at DUHS.

I am particularly proud of our commitment to promoting gender equality in sports and ensuring that female athletes have equal opportunities to excel. We actively encourage female participation in all our sports programs and strive to create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

I encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities available to you and to pursue your athletic passions with enthusiasm. To our dedicated staff members, I invite you to join us on the field and embrace the benefits of an active lifestyle. And to our students, I assure you that Dow University of Health Sciences is not just a place for academic excellence but also a vibrant hub for sports and recreation.

Together, let us embark on a journey of fitness, fun, and friendship as we celebrate the joy of sportsmanship and teamwork. I look forward to seeing you on the field and sharing in the excitement of athletic achievement.


The sports facilities at Dow University of Health Sciences include:

Our university boasts a spacious and well-maintained cricket ground, ideal for hosting various tournaments and matches. In collaboration with the Higher Education Commission, we organize intra-university cricket tournaments, fostering healthy competition and sportsmanship among students.

For fitness enthusiasts, our gymnasium offers cutting-edge equipment and facilities for both male and female students. Whether you’re looking to build strength, improve cardiovascular health, or simply stay active, our gym has everything you need to achieve your fitness goals.

Dow University has a proud tradition of hosting chess tournaments, including the prestigious All Pakistan HEC Intervarsity Chess Tournament. This cerebral sport is celebrated as a gentleman’s game, and our university provides a platform for students to showcase their strategic thinking and analytical skills. We also organize events to identify and nurture talented chess players who have the potential to compete internationally.

Experience the thrill of the game on our international-level basketball court. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just looking to shoot some hoops with friends, our court provides the perfect setting for basketball enthusiasts.

Our university offers top-notch badminton court facilities for students who enjoy this fast-paced and dynamic sport. Grab a racket and challenge your friends to a friendly match or participate in organized tournaments to test your skills.

Engage in exhilarating table tennis matches at our dedicated facilities. With well-maintained tables and equipment, students can enjoy friendly competitions or hone their skills through regular practice sessions.

Celebrate the achievements of our HEC Women’s Karate Team, which recently clinched the 3rd prize in the National Championship. Dow University is committed to promoting martial arts among female students, empowering them to excel in this discipline.

Experience the thrill of archery at Dow University, which recently hosted the HEC Archery Competition. Our facilities provide the perfect setting for aspiring archers to hone their skills and compete at the highest levels.

Dow University students recently participated in the Sports Gala organized by Pakistan Marine Academy, showcasing their athletic prowess in various sports. Our university stood out by achieving runner-up positions in multiple sports, earning us the Champion title of the sports gala. This achievement reflects our students’ exceptional talent, dedication, and teamwork.