Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Ali Shaikh
Community Medicine Dept, DMC/Dow University of Health Sciences, Main Campus, Baba-e-Urdu Rd, Karachi
Graduate Certificate, Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins, USA
MBE (Master of Bio-Ethics), Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
DPM (Diploma in Project Management), Modern Institute of Informatics & Management, Islamabad, Pakistan
1. Beliefs and Perceptions of Acne among a Sample of Students from Sindh Medical College, Karachi. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association 2010; 60(1): 51-54.
2. A Survey to Assess the Common Reasons of Visiting Holy Shrines by the Devotees in Karachi. The Professional Medical Journal 2010; 17(3):493-497.
3. Reasons for taking Medicine as a Career by Female Students. Medical Forum 2010; 21(9):28-30.
4. Obstacles faced by Female Doctors in pursuing their Career. Journal of Muhammad Medical College 2010; 1(1):31-34.
5. Analysis of Blood Donors at a Major Tertiary-Care Hospital of Karachi and Seroprevalence of Blood-Borne Hepatitis and HIV. Medical Channel 2010; 16(4): 630-632.
6. Yield of Screening for Blood Pressure of Employees of a Medical University in Karachi, Pakistan. Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences 2010; 8(2):156-160.
7. Assessment of Microalbuminuria Levels in Hypertensive Patients. Medical Forum 2011; 22(1):43-45.
8. A Survey to Assess the Female Sexual Harassment in the Higher Educational Institutes of Karachi, Pakistan. Medical Forum 2011; 22(4):11-15.
9. Awareness about life style modifications among diabetic patients in Karachi Pakistan. The Professional Medical Journal 2011; 18(2):265-268.
10. Medications Used During the Journey by Patients with Chest Pain Reporting to the Emergency Room at National Institute of Cardio-Vascular Diseases, Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences 2011; 10(2):59-63.
11. Prevalence of Diabetes among People with Eye Dieses in Gadap Town, Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Muhammad Medical College 2011; 2(1):8-11.
12. Perception Regarding Substance Abuse in Medical Students and their Society. Journal of Muhammad Medical College 2011; 2(1):17-20.
13. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Medical Ethics of Faculty of A Medical University, in Karachi, Pakistan. Rawal Medical Journal 2012; 37 (3): 334-339
14. The Factors contributing to Non-compliance of Anti-TB Medication, and Social Stigma associated with the Disease. Journal of Muhammad Medical College 2012; 3(1):5-8.
15. Career Related Choices of International Medical Students at a Medical College of Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences 2012; 11(3):180-84.
16. Perception about Birth Spacing among Medical Students and their Families. Journal of Muhammad Medical College 2012-13; 4(1):15-18.
17. Effects of socio-demographic factors among patients with type2 diabetes visiting a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. The Professional Medical Journal 2013; 20(2):244-249.
18. Physical, Chemical & Bacteriological contamination of drinking water sources of Taluka Sehwan, District Jamshoro, Sindh. Journal of Muhammad Med. College October 2013- April 2014; 4(2):14-17.
19. Pattern of Difficulties Faced by the Attendants of Admitted Patients in Tertiary Care Unit Coming From Outside the Karachi City. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 13, Issue 1 Ver. IV (Jan. 2014), PP 43-52. www.iosrjournals.org
20. Attitudes of Pakistani and Pakistani heritage medical students regarding professionalism at a medical college in Karachi, Pakistan. BioMed Central. BMC Research Notes 2014 7:150. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1756-0500/7/150
21. Assessing the risk factors of work-related stress among House Officers of tertiary care hospitals, Karachi. Pakistan Journal of Public Health June 2018; 8(2):117-22.
22. Ribavirin induced anemia: A cross sectional study among patients with Hepatitis C, visiting out patient department of a major Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Public Health September 2018; 8(3):170-73.
23. Knowledge 0f Dental Professionals Regarding Tooth Restorability at A Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospital of Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Public Health June 2019; 9(2):69-72.
24. Association of Diabetes and Hypertension as risk factors with Ischemic Heart Disease among patients visiting a Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospital of Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Public Health December 2020; 10(4):215-19
25. Clinical Features of COVID-19 in Newborns, Infants, and Children: A Systematic Review and Meta analysis. Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing. ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/icpn21