Prof. Dr. Zeba Ahmed
Ent Department Unit-II, Dr Ruth K M Pfau Civil Hospital, Karachi
FCPS, Otorhinology
Fellowship, College of Physician and Surgeon Pakistan
Diploma in Otolaryngo-Rhinology, Karachi University
MBBS, Dow Medical College, Karachi University
1. Case report of a female child with right nasal chondromyxoid fibroma .Zeba Ahmed,Asra Waseem, Javeria Munir, Farhan Ali, Hussaina Shabbir, Faiza Rasheed Journal Of Pakistan Medical Association.July 2021, Volume 71, Issue 7: 1897-1899
2. Use of Endolight for Localization of Lacrimal sac in Endonasal Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy Muhammad Ayub Bhatti, Khalid Hussain Mahida, Zeba Ahmed, Amber Khalid, Shehla Dareshani, Ali Akber Aftab.Pak Armed Forces Med J 2020;70 (Suppl-1):S156-59
3. Cosmetic Satisfaction in Patients Undergone Septorhinoplasty. Khan TZ, Mehfooz S, Ahmed Z, Aftab AA, Nizami ZA, Akhter S.J Med Sci2019 Oct;27(4):281-85
4. Levels of hearing loss in traffic noise exposed population of Karachi, Pakistan Zeba Ahmed, Tariq Zahid Khan, Ali Akber Aftab.RMJ.2019; 44(4):686-689
5. Risk Factors for Injury to Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve in Thyroid Surgeries-A Tertiary Care Centre Experience. Ashok Kumar, Zeba Ahmed, Nasreen Naz Ali Akber Aftab.Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College (JRMC); 2019;23(3):128-132
6. Complications of open surgical tracheostomies and their management-Our experience. Zeba Ahmed, Khalid Hussain Mahida , Zille Huma ,Tariq Ahmed .Pak Armed Forces Med J 2018;68(6):1642-47
7. Prevalence of pathogenic Bacterial isolates from Ear, Nose and Throat :In Clinical Setup. Ghulam Saqlain, Israr Ahmed, Zeba Ahmed.ANNALS OF PIMS.2018; VOL 14 NO : 259-264
8. Kartagener’s Syndrome Presenting As Bilateral Recurrent Nasal Polyposis In A Young Boy. Zeba Ahmed, Warda Waseem, Uroosa Saman .JBUMDC 2018; 8(4): 274-277
9. Rhinophyma causing feeding difficulty- A Rare Case Report with review Literature Saqulain G, Ahmed J, Ahmed Z.JIDM.2018; 7(1)73-77
10. Presentation of unilateral nasal masses and their management in a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Pakistan Zeba Ahmed, Danish Ur Rahim, Tarique Zahid Khan.Pak J Surg 2017; 33(4):301-305
11. Diagnostic accuracy of C.T Scan in fungal sinusitis,Diagnosis and Extent. Nasreen Naz, Zeba Ahmed,Safdar Nawaz Mallik,TariqueZahid.Ann.Pak.Inst.Med.Sci.2016;12(2):61-65.
12. Prevalence of oral cavity cancer according to anatomical sites in Karachi, Pakistan Tarique Zahid Khan, Zeba Ahmed, Tehmina Junaid.RMJ. 2016; 41(4): 450-453
13. Incidence and clinical presentation of masses in external auditory canal. Syeda Tehmina Junaid, Tarique Zahid Khan, Zeba Ahmed, Syed Iqbal Hussain, Iqbal A Muhammad Khyani.Pakistan Journal of Surgery.Jul-Sept 2016;Vol.32,issue.3;Pg 181-184
14. Microbiology of CSOM in Tertiary Care Setup, Civil Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.Tariq Zahid, Zeba Ahmed, Zehra Aqeel.Pakistan Journal of Surgery.Jul-Sept 2016;Vol.32, issue.3;Pg 176-180.
15. Frequency of intracranial and intraorbital extension in sinonasal polyposis.A study at civil hospital,Karachi.Tarique Zahid Khan,Zeba Ahmed,Murtaza Ahsan Ansari.Rawal Medical Journal:July-Sept. 2016,Vol.41. No.3; Pg 327-330.
16. Otogenic complications of otitis media: experience at tertiary care hospital.Zeba Ahmed,Tariq,Zahid,Danish-ur-Rahim.Pakistan Journal of Surgery. Jan-March 2016;Vol.32, issue.1;Pg 49-53.
17. Parapharyngeal space Hemangioma with phlebolith:A Rare Entity. Iqbal A Muhammad Khyani, Zeba Ahmed, Tooba Noor, Atif Hafiz Siddique.Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi 2015,Vol.9(3):121-124.
18. An unusual case of suprasternal epidermoid cyst. Tooba Noor , Atif Hafiz, Iqbal A Muhammad Khyani, Zeba Ahmed, M Umar Farooq.Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery. 2015;31:21-23.
19. Endoscopic Assisted Management of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma. Experience at Tertiary care centre. Zeba Ahmed,Atif Hafiz Siddique, Iqbal A Muhammad Khyani. Danish-ur-Rahim, Muhammad Umar Faooq.Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery. December2014; 30:80-83
20. Fibrous Dysplasia of Temporal Bone.Danish-ur-Rahim,Zeba Ahmed, Atif Hafiz Siddique, Iqbal A Muhammad Khyani.Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology Head &Neck Surgery.2014;30:64-65
21. Health Seeking Behavior of Patients of Low Socioeconomic Status:Across sectional study in a tertiary care Hospital of Karachi.Tariq Zahid Khan,Syed Iqbal Hussain,Atif Hafiz,Syeda Tehmina Junaid, Zeba Ahmed, Muhammad Noorani.Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi 2014,VOL 8(2):67-73.
22. Frequency of cervical metastasis in oral cancer.Danish-ur-Rahim, Atif Hafiz Siddique, Zeba Ahmed, Muhammad Saleem Marfani.Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology Head &Neck Surgery.2013;29:80-83
23. The yield of FNAC in thyroid nodule. Tariq Zahid Khan, Tufail Ahmed Baloch, Zeba Ahmed, Atif Hafiz, Qurat-ul-ain Tasleem.Medical Channel.Vol.18-No.3-July-September 2012;66-69
24. Hypothyroidism: an overlooked cause of menorrhagia.Sarla Dodani,Zeba Ahmed,Sadia Jalil.ANNALS of Hamdard University 2011;Vol.2,issue1;pg 11-13
25. Otomycosis :Clinical Presentation and Management. Zeba Ahmed, Atif Hafiz, Tariq Zahid Mehboob A Javed, Salman Mutiullah, Muhammad Saleem Marfani. Pakistan Journal of Otolarynlogy Head & Neck Surgery.December 2010; 26:78-80
26. Significance of ultrasound features in predicting malignant solid thyroid nodules:Need for fine needle aspiration.Mahira Yunus, Zeba Ahmed.JPMA October 2010;Vol 60 No.10;Pg848-853
27. Analysis of causative factors in Oral Cancer.Tariq Zahid Khan,Atif Hafiz,Zeba Ahmed Salman Mutiullah,Muhammad Saleem Marfani. JDUHS September –December 2009 vol.3,Issue3, page 108-113.
28. A clinicopathological study of Laryngeal Malignancies an institutional Experince.Zeba Ahmed,Salman Mutiullah,Mushtaque Memon,Muhammad Saleem Marfani.JLUMHS September –December 2009; Vol: 08 No. 03.214-218
29. Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma Role of Imaging In Diagnosis,Staging and Recurrance. Nasreen Naz, Zeba Ahmed, Salman Mutiullah, M. Saleem Marfani.PakistanJournal of Surgery 2009;Vol 25,issue 3;Pg 185-189
30. Evaluation of Tuberculosis Cervical Lymphadenopathy. Salman Mutiullah,Zeba Ahmed, Mahira Yunus, Muhammad Saleem Marfani.Pakistan Journal of Surgery 2009; Vol.25,issue 3;Pg 176-179.
31. Frequency, Presentation and Management of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma.Muhammad Saleem Marfani, Salman Mutiullah, Zeba Ahmed, Danish-ur-Rahim,Tariq Zahid. Pakistan Journal of Otolarynlogy Head & Neck Surgery.August2009; 25:35-38
32. Upper Gastro Intestinal Tract Foreign Bodies:Presentation & Management.Zeba Ahmed, Salman Mutiullah Muhammad Saleem Marfani.Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery.Vol. 25,issue2 Feb: 2009;106-109.
33. Xeroderma Pigmentosa-Squamous Cell Carcinoma Lip.Zeba Ahmed, Hamid Ali Sangi, Mahboob Afzal Jawaid,Salman Mutiullah ,Muhammad Saleem Marfani. Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology Head &Neck Surgery.Vol.24 number 3 December: 2008;page 68-69.
34. Impacted cerumen Auris management.Zeba Ahmed, Salman Mutiullah, M Saleem Marfani. Medical Channel.vol. 15, No. 2, April-June 2009, page 58-60
35. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma; stage and surgical approach.Zeba Ahmed, Salman Mutiullah, Danish-ur-Rahim and M. Saleem Marfani. JLUMHS Vol. 08 number 01 Jan. April 2009 page 37- 40
36. Frequency and assessment of Post Operative complication following laryngeal Cancer Surgery. Zeba Ahmed, Salman Matiullah, M. Saleem Marfani .Pakistan Journal of Surgery Vol. 25, issue1,January March 2009 page 62 –66
37. Foreign bodies of ear in children presented at Civil Hospital Karachi.Zeba Ahmed, Salman Mutiullah, Danish-ur-Rahim, M. Saleem Marfani.Pakistan.Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Vol. 24 number 1. April 2008.pg 12-14
38. Frequency of un-safe chronic suppurative otitis media patients with discharging ear. Mushtaq Ali Memon, Salman Mutiullah, Zeba Ahmed, Saleem Marfani. JLUMHS;May- August 2008;Vol. 07 number 02 .Pg 102-5
39. Laryngeal cancer surgery, techniques, management & complications.Zeba Ahmed. Jawaid Alam,Shabih H Zaidi Pakistan Journal of Otolarynlogy Head & Neck Surgery Dec 2003; 19(3):41-43.