Prof. Dr. Sumbul Shamim
Professor / Principal / Chairperson (Dept. of Pharmacology)
Dow College of Pharmacy, Ojha Campus, DUHS
- B.Pharm
- M.Phil
- PhD
1. A. Mushtaq, B. Aslam, M.N. Faisal, A. Hussain, S. Shamim, S. Kousar, A. Gul A. Umer “.Nigella sativa L. attenuates oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis in concanavalin A-induced acute immunological liver damage in mice.” Accepted manuscript id: BABT-2023-0554 R1 Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2023. Accepted date: 07 August 2023, Volume 67
2. Sumbul Shamim, Mahwish Akhtar "Novel designed analogues of Quercetin against SARS-CoV2: An In-silico pharmacokinetic evaluation, molecular modeling, MD simulations based study." submitted for publication in the Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics
3. Sumbul Shamim, Mushtaq Hussain. Investigating Variations in Intermolecular Interactions between Taxol and CYP3A4 Allelic Variants. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (under process of publication).
4. Hina Tabassum, Shumaila Tasneem*, Sumbul Shamim, Faheema Siddiqui, Rubina Gulzar. EFFECT OF NOX 1/4 INHIBITOR IN PAIN AND INFLAMMATION, International Journal of Pharmacology. (under process of publication).
5. Syed Muzaffar Ali*, Sumbul Shamim, Ishrat Younus , Laila Anwer and Sheikh Abdul Khaliq (2021), Anxiolytic, antidepressant and inhibitory effect on MAO isoenzymes by Bougainvillea glabra flower extract in rats. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.34, No.5 (Suppl), September 2021, pp.1963-1968. IF=0.863 (Y-Category)
6. Mahwish Akhtar, Sumbul Shamim* (2021). “Development of potent remdesivir derivative against SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitors: Design, modification, molecular modeling and MD simulations”. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (doi.org/10.36721/PJPS.2021.34.3.SUP.1119-1126.1 IF=0. 863 (Y-Category)
7. Osama Shahid, Sumbul Shamim, Jahan ara Ainuddin, & Mohsin Wahid. (2021). “Genetic reprogramming of cord blood derived endothelial colony forming cells towards human induced pluripotent stem cells using episomal plasmids”. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.465 (IF-=1.002 X- Category).
8. Muhammad Amir Khan, Shaukat Ali1*, Sumbul Shamim, Nazia Ahmed, Mushtaq Hussain, Saba Farooq and Sadaf Khan. (2020). Antimicrobial and synergistic activity of thiazoline derivatives in combination with conventional antibiotics against multidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolated from abscess drainage samples. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.33, No.5(Suppl), September 2020, pp.2331-2339. IF=0.863 (Y-Category).Citations=2
9. Shabana Arzoo, Zoha Naqvi, Mushtaq Hussain*, Sumbul Shamim, Tehseen Fatima Zeb and Shaukat Ali (2020). Production and antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized from indigenously isolated Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Rhizosphere. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences · Vol.33, No.6 (Suppl), November 2020, pp.2815-2822. IF=0. 863 (X-Category) Citations=2
10. Uzma Shakeel , Sumbul Shamim*, Zahid Azam , Hafiz Muhammad Arshad , Ali Asgher. (2020). Double blind, randomised trial to compare efficacy of escitalopram versus citalopram for interferon induced depression in hepatitis C patients. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 19 (2020) 100622 Available online 19 July 2020. (IF=1.77 Y- Category). Citations=2
11. Farzana Sadaf, Sumbul Shamim, Rubeena Saleem and Navaid-ul-Zafar. (2018). Safety and toxicological evaluation of herbal formulation on rodents. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.31, No.6, November 2018, pp.2545-2551 JCR Impact Factor 0. 863 (Y-Category).
12. Sumbul Shamim, Sharjeel Fareed, Huma Gul (2018). Retrospective study on prevalence and clinical significance of possible drug-drug interactions in prescriptions of patients with chronic liver disease. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 37 (8): 1587-93 (2018) JCR Impact Factor 0.372 (Y-category)
13. Shumaila Aman, Hina Tabassum, Sumbul Shamim, (2017) Safety From the Adverse Effects of Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitors During Pain and Inflammation, and Platelet Aggregation by Utilizing NADPH Oxidase Inhibitors. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 88(2) 234-235. 13 November 2017. JCR Impact Factor 2.285 (X-Category)
14. Saima Mahmood Malhi, Hassan Raza, Kiran Ajmal, Sumbul Shamim, Saniya Ata, Salman Farooq, Syed Muhammad Sharib and Sidrat-ul Muntaha. (2017) Current Status and Future Suggestions for Improving the Pharm. D Curriculum towards Clinical Pharmacy Practice in Pakistan. Pharmacy 2017,5,46; doi:10.3390/pharmacy5030046- Pharmacy Published by MDPI (Switzerland) AG Online ISSN: 2226-4787
Accepted: 24 July 2017; Published: 17 August 2017 (Y- Category).
15. Sumbul Shamim, Syed Muhammad Sharib, Saima Mahmood Malhi , Sidrat-ul-Muntaha, Hassan Raza, Saniya Ata, Ali Salman Farooq. Adverse Drug reactions reporting: Awareness and reasons of under-reporting among health care professionals, a challenge for pharmacist. Springer Plus 2016; 5(1): 1778. Received: 17 January 2016 Accepted: 21 September 2016 Published: 12 October 2016 (IF=0.982 (W- Category).Citations=51
16. Farzana Sadaf, Sumbul Shamim and Navaid-ul-Zafar. Acute and Sub-Chronic Toxicity Assessment of Herbal Formulation Garlina in Oryctolagus cunniculus Rabbits. Hamdard Medicus 59(2), 2016 (IF= 0.14, Y Category) Citation=1
17. Faaiza Qazi , Sadia Zafar , Nusrat Bano, Sumbul Shamim, Muhammad Harris Shoaib , Rabia Ismail Yousuf. Knowledge and Perception about Epidemiology among Pharmacy Students. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 33(2), July – August 2015: 5-10. Impact Factor 2.54 (W- Category).
18. Sumbul Shamim, Shumaila Shafique. Evaluation of Occurrence of Medication Errors in Liver Disease Patients. British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research 10(4): 1-8, 2015, Article no.BJMMR.17488 ISSN: 2231-0614 SCIENCEDOMAIN international.
19. Muhammad Sohail Anwer, Sumbul Shamim, Salman Ahmed, Mohammad Mohtasheemul Hasan, Iqbal Azhar. Hypotensive Activity of Melilotus Officinalis (L.) Pallas. European Journal of Medicine. Series B. 2015, Vol. 3 (2):80-85 Impact Factor 1.50 Cited by 4
20. Sumbul Shamim, Acute, Subacute and Subchronic Toxicological Studies of Carissa Carandas Leaves (Ethanol Extract): A Plant Active against Cardiovascular Diseases. Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi. 2014, Vol. 8 (3): 121-125. (Y-Category)
21. Sana Ghayas, Sumbul Shamim, Fakhsheena Anjum, Mehwish Hussain. Depression and analysis of related factors among undergraduates: a cross-sectional study. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2014, 13(10): 1733-1738. ISI Impact Factor 0.820, Cited by 3 (Y-Category)
22. Faizan Mazhar , Sumbul Shamim , Saima Mahmood. Drug Utilization Evaluation of Antiepileptics in three Selected Multidisciplinary Teaching Hospitals of Pakistan. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences IJPPS. 2014, 6(5): 59-66 Impact Factor 1.59, Cited by 8.
23. Shumaila Shafique, Muhammad Akram, Omer Mustapha, Muhammad Ali Ghoto, Hina Saleem, Sumbul Shamim, Abdullah Dayo. A retrospective study of NSAIDs containing medication orders for evaluating prescribing errors in outpatient clinical settings of a metropolitan city. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) e-ISSN: 2278-3008, p-ISSN:2319-7676. Volume 9, Issue 2 Ver. II (Mar-Apr. 2014), PP 141-146 Impact Factor 1.138
24. Sumbul Shamim, Sana Ghayas, Fakhsheena Anjum, Noor Jahan,
Hina Yasin and Mehwish Hussain. “Depression and factors contributing to depression in working class: male vs. Female analysis in Karachi, Pakistan: a cross-sectional survey”. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013, 7(6). 4349-4361 Impact Factor 0.629
25. Sumbul S., Saima Mahmood Malhi, Muhammad Riaz Bhatti, Beena Khan, Tahir Yousuf., “Frequency of Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Karachi and Comparison of Different Antibiotic Agents Used For Their Treatment.” Journal of Scientific Research and Essays 2012, 7(30). 2691-2698. IF= 0.32
26. Sumbul S., Ahmed S. I., “Pharmacodynamic Study on Acute Hypotensive activities of Carissa carandas extract in normal rats. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012, 25(3). 577-582 (H.E.C recognized) IF=1.103, Cited by 11 International Research Journal of Pharmacy (X-Category)
27. Shah S S Muttaqi, Sumbul S., Mustapha Omer, Practicing Hospital Pharmacists Monitoring Pharmacy Students In Clinical Pharmacy: An Experience from Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) Pakistan. International Research Journal of Pharmacy. 2012, 3(4). 148-149 (IF=0.53) Cited by 2
28. Sumbul S., Ahmed S. I., Antihyperlipidaemic activity of Carissa carandas (Auct.) leaves extract in Egg yolk induced hyperlipidaemic rats. Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.2012, 8(1). 40-50 (H.E.C recognized) (Y Category), Cited by 13
29. M Bilal A, Sumbul Shamim, Mahvish H., 2011."Factors and Demographic Characteristics Related to Nursing Workplace Satisfaction: Perspectives of Nursing Care Providers at Tertiary Care Hospitals of Karachi." Journal of Dow University of Health Sciences. (2011), 5(3). 92-98 (H.E.C and P.M.D.C. recognized) (Z Category) Cited by 3 (Y-Category)
30. Sumbul S., Ahmed S. I., Pharmacodynamic study of Cardiotonic Property of a Poly Herbal Drug (MUYM) in pithed frogs. Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology. (2010), 27(2).63-77 (W.H.O, H.E.C and P.M.D.C recognized). (Z Category)
31. Sumbul Shamim., Navaid-ul- Zafar, Zahida Memon, “Antihyperlipidaemic activity of a Poly Herbal Drug (MUYM), in Egg yolk induced hyperlipidaemic rats: A comparison with Atorvastatin. Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology. (2010), 27(1).19-24(W.H.O, H.E.C and P.M.D.C recognized) (Z Category)
32. Sumbul Shamim., Ahmed S. I., “Toxicological Studies of a Poly Herbal Product Mufarreh Yaqooti Motadil” Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology. (2006), 23(2). 41-47. (W.H.O, H.E.C and P.M.D.C recognized) (Z Category)
33. Sumbul Shamim., Tariq S., Ahmed S.I., “Evaluation of Hypotensive Activity of Mufarreh Yaqooti Motadil (a poly-herbal product).” Proceedings of 3rd Biennial Conference on Pharmacology and Therapeutics. January 14 and 17. Karachi, Pakistan (2005). Pp. 41-47.
34. Sumbul Shamim, Ahmed S.W., Shameem Ara Siddiqui., Identification of Fungal Species from Infected Patients and The Anti mycological Evaluation of Aloe Barbedensis Mill. And Solanum Nigrum against these species. Proceedings of 4th International symposium on Emerging Dimensions of Health Care. January 20-21 Hamdard University. Karachi, Pakistan (2004). Pp 17-23.
35. Azhar I., Mazhar F., Manzar Q. N.,Hussain I., Sumbul Shamim. , Colorimetric determination of Indolic Drugs, Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (2005), 18(2). 48-51. (H.E.C recognized) IF=1.103 Cited by 2 (X- category).
36. Sumbul Shamim., Ahmed S.W. et.al. , Superficial Mycoses: A study performed for the isolation and identification of fungal species from infected patients, Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology. (2005). 22 (1).41-46. (W.H.O, H.E.C and P.M.D.C recognized) (Z Category) Cited by 2.
37. Azhar I., Mazhar F., Manzar Q. N.,Hussain I., Sumbul Shamim. , Kinetic studies on Zingibar Officinalis, Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (2004), 17 (1). 47-54.(H.E.C recognized) IF=1.103, Cited by 22 (X- category).
38. Sumbul Shamim, Ahmed S.W., Azher I. , Antifungal Activity of Allium, Aloe and Solanum Species, Pharmaceutical Biology.(2004),42 (7), 491-498. (U.S.A.) (H.E.C recognized) IF=1.916, Cited by 63 (W- Category)
39. Sumbul Shamim, Ahmed S.W. et.al. , Superficial Mycosis in Sindh Region, Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology. (2003), 20(2). 27-35. (W.H.O, H.E.C and P.M.D.C recognized) (Z Category)(Cited by 7)