Prof. Dr. Riffat Jaleel
MBBS, Sindh Medical College, 1991
FCPS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology), CPSP, 1998
CHPE, Dow University of Health Sciences, 2021
1) Iqbal S, Shamaun S, Shahid A, Jaleel R, Gull Y, Iqbal M. Short inter-pregnancy interval and low birth weight. PJMHS 2021 Oct.,15(10):3506. Available at: doi:http://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2115103506
2) Khan A, Jaleel R, Nasrullah FD. Sacrohysteropexy performed as uterus conserving surgery for pelvic organ prolapse: Review of case files. Pak J Med Sci 2016;32(5):1174-8.
3) Nasrullah FD, Jaleel R, Khan A. Frequency of pre-menstrual syndrome and menstrual irregularities in adolescents of different socioeconomic groups. Med. Forum 2016 July;27(7):9-12.
4) Jaleel F, Jaleel R, Abidi SS, Javaid M. Assessment of factors associated with practice of breast self examination in a tertiary care health setting in Karachi. Med. Forum. 2016;27(2):37-40.
5) Khan A, Nasrullah FD, Jaleel R. Frequency and risk factors of low birth weight in term pregnancy. Pak J Med Sci. 2016;32(1):138-142.
6) Jaleel R, Khan A, Mujtuba S, Bibi A. Unplanned vaginal birth of singleton breech presentation at term. Journal of Surgery Pakistan 2015 Oct-Dec;20(4):142-6.
7) Jaleel R, Khan A. Paternal factors in spontaneous first trimester miscarriage. Pak J Med Sci 2013;29(3):248-51.
8) Jaleel R, Khan A. Post-Partum Haemorrhage-A Risk Factor Analysis. Mymensingh Medical Journal Apr 2010;19(2):282-9.
9) Jaleel R, Nasrullah FD, Khan A. Osteopenia in the Younger Female. Journal of Surgery Pakistan 2010 Jan-Mar;15(1):29-33.
10) Jaleel R. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – Selective versus Universal Screening. Pakistan Journal of Surgery2009 Oct-Dec;25(4):290-294.
11) Jaleel R, Khan A, Soomro N. Clinico-Pathological Study of Abdominal Hysterectomies. Pak J Med Sci 2009;25(4):630-634.
12) Jaleel R, Nasrullah FD, Khan A. Timing of Umbilical Cord Clamping & Neonatal Hematological Status. J Pak Med Assoc July 2009;59(7):468-470.
13) Jaleel F, Jaleel R, Ahsan MI. Efficacy & Timing of Single Dose Dexamethasone as Prophylactic Antiemetic in Major Surgeries. Journal of Surgery Pakistan Apr-Jun 2009;14(2):48-52.
14) Jaleel R. Impact of Maternal Obesity on Pregnancy Outcome. Journal of Surgery Pakistan Jan-Mar 2009;14(1):2-6.
15) Jaleel R, Khan A. Severe Anemia & Adverse Pregnancy Outcome. Journal of Surgery Pakistan Oct-Dec 2008;13(4):147-150.
16) Jaleel R, Khan A. Obstetric Morbidity in Booked versus Non-Booked Patients-A Comparative Study at LGH. Pakistan Journal of Surgery Jul-Sep 2008;24(3):196-202.
17) Jaleel R, Khan A. Review of Caesarean Sections at LGH. Pakistan Journal of Surgery Oct-Dec 2007;23(4):291-295.
18) Jaleel R. Outcome of Utero-Vaginal Packing in Primary Post-Partum Haemorrhage in a Teaching Hospital. Medical Channel July-Sep 2006;12(3):17-20.
19) Jaleel R. Maternal & Neonatal Morbidity of Forceps Delivery. Dissertation. Reg No.GYNAE/95/160.CPSP 1998.
20) Jaleel R. A Study to Correlate the Indications of Abdominal Hysterectomy with the Histo-pathological Findings. Dissertation Reg No.GYNAE/95/160.CPSP 1998.