Prof. Dr. Rabia Arshad
- M.Phil.
- Ph.D. (Pharmacology)
Clinical Trial Studies, Placenta, GDM, Metformin, Insulin
ResearchGate/ORCID link:
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5805-7163,
google profile ID: https://scholar.google.com.pk/citations?hl=en
List of Selected Research Publications (with DOI citation):
- Original Article: Arshad R*, Karim N, Azam F. 2013. Placental Morphology and Fetal Maternal Outcomes in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. JBUMDC. 3(1):30-33.
- Original Article: Zamir T, Arshad R*, Hoor T.2013.Effects and toxicity of methanolic extract of Brassica Oleracea on body weight of rabbits. JBUMDC. 3(2):62-68.
- Original Article: Arshad R*, Zamir T, Karim 2013. N. Placental gross morphology in gestational diabetes mellitus. JBUMDC. 3(2):75-80.
- Review article: Arshad R*. 2013. Autism: A silent cry for help. JBUMDC. 3(3):3-
- Original Article: Arshad R*, Karim N, Hasan JA. 2014. Effect of insulin on placental, fetal and maternal outcomes in gestational diabetes mellitus. Pak J Med Sci. 30(2):240-244. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12669/pjms.302.4396.
- Original article: Akhtar N, Kanpurwala, MA, Arshad R*, Sharafatullah T. 2015. Perception and impact of social media in pharmaceutical marketing and promotion in Pakistan. Scholars Academic Journal of Pharmacy (SAJP) Sch Acad. J Pharm. 4(1): 54-57.
- Original article: Shamim MO, Khan FMA, Arshad R*.2015. Association between serum total testosterone and Body Mass Index in middle aged healthy men. Pak J Med Sci. 31(2): 355-359. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12669/pjms.312.6130
- Original article: Arshad R*, Sheikh F, Shamim MO, Karim N, Azam F. 2015. Placental histology in Diet and Insulin treated Gestational Diabetics. Med Forum. 26(4):21-
- Original article: Arshad R*, Karim N, Shamim O. 2015. Assessment of Risk Factors for Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. PJMD. 4(3):8-11.
- Original article: Sheikh F, Arshad R*, Karim N. 2015.Safety profile of Methotrexate and Leflunomide in rheumatoid arthritis. JBUMDC. 5(1): 20-24.
- Original article: Sheikh F, Arshad R*, Karim N. 2015. Assessing therapy response in rheumatoid arthritis by rapid 3 score and grip strength test. Medical Channel. 21(3): 29-35.
- Review article: Arshad R*, Karim N. 2015.Vasculo-protective cover: A novel action of Metformin. JBUMDC. 5(3):105-108.
- Original article: Azam F, Shaheen A, Arshad R*. 2016. Frequency of hypovitaminosis D and its associated risk factors in newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Pak J Med Sci. 32(2):480-484. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12669/pjms.322.8996.14.
- Original article: Zamir T, Younis I, Hoor T, Arshad R*. 2015. Effects of methanol extract of Brassica Oleracae on the body weight and hematological parameters in Rabbits. BUMDC. 5(4): 162-166.
- Original article: Aslam M, Kanpurwala M A, Arshad R*. 2016. Application of CDC standards for prevention of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) by paramedical personnel in tertiary care hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan. International Journal of Research. (9): 450-60.
- Original article: Arshad R*, Kanpurwala MA, Karim N, Hasan JA. 2016. Effects of Diet and Metformin on placental morphology in Gestational diabetes Mellitus. Pak J Med Sci. 32(6): 1522-27.DOI: 10.12669/pjms.326.10872
- Original article: Arshad R*, Khannum S, Sheikh F, Karim N. 2017.Feto-maternal outcomes and glycemic control in Metformin Vs Insulin treated on Gestational diabetics. Pak J Med Sci. 33(5): 1182-87. DOI: 10.12669/pjms.335.13286
- Original article: Faisal S, Qadir A, Shaikh AA, Kanpurwala MA, Arshad R*, Riaz H. 2017. Quality of record keeping by dental interns working in dental out-patients departments of a dental hospital in Karachi. Med Forum;28(1):35-38.
- Original article: Khanam S, Arshad R *, Kanpurwala MA, Hasan S, Fakhuruddin, Durrani MA. 2018. Resistance to Quinolones and Aminoglycosides in multidrug resistance M. Tuberculosis. PJMD. 7(1):4-10.
- Original article: Arshad R*, Sheikh Z, Aamir K, Karim N, Asaad T. 2019. Pregnancy consequences in diet-controlled mild hyperglycemia. PJMD. 8(3):40-45.
- Original article: Prevalence of carbapenem-resistant acinetobacter baumannii (crab) in medical and surgical intensive care units (ICUs) of JPMC, Karachi. 2019. Shaikh Z, Arshad R*, Fakhuruddin, Durrani MA. PJMD. 8(4): 31-36
- Original article: William H, Munir D, Arshad R*, William S. 2022. Adaptation of oral hygiene habits in Dental professionals: A KAP Study. Esculapio 2020;16(3): 112-118 DOI: https://doi.org/10.51273/esc20.2516323
- Original article: Akhtar R, Akhtar MR, Arshad R, Masood S. 2022. Evaluation of Antibiotic Susceptibility Tests: Agar Diffusion and Broth Dilution Assay Against Enterococcus faecalis. Pak J Med Dent. 11(3): 3-10. DOI: 10.36283/PJMD11-3/002
- Original article: Arshad R*, Azam F, Shaheen A. 2022. Effects of metformin and insulin on morphology, stereology and mean morphometric diffusion capacity in diabetic placenta. Pak J physio. 18(2):22-27
- Original article: Bashir TF, Arshad R*, Khalid Z, Aslam E, Usman M. 2022. Impact of chewing cardamom and fennel seeds on salivary Ph: A hospital based comparative analysis. Esculapio. 18(4): 483-488. DOI: http://doi.org/10.51273/esc22.2513184.
- Original article: Arshad R*, Amir E, Pahore AK, Mustansar T. 2023. Histomorphometric vicissitudes in diet-controlled diabetic placenta: quantitative stereological model. Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinical Medicine. 2(3):112-118. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gocm.2023.05.003
- Letter to editor: Arshad R*, Ahmad R, Pahore AK. 2023. From Africa to Pakistan a Call for Urgent Measures for Monkeypox Outbreak: An Unprecedented Public Health Concern. AJDM 2023; 2(1): 3-4.
- Original Article: Arshad R*, Pahore AK, Ahmad R. 2023.Emotional Intelligence: An Overlooked Element of Dental Education. HPEJ. 6(2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.53708/hpej.v6i2.2453
- Short communication: Arshad R*, Qaiser N. 2023. Pharmacovigilance and Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP): A Short Communication. Altamash Journal of Dentistry and Medicine. 2(2);74-77.
- Original Article: Arshad R*, Khalid Z, Qaiser N, Ahmad R. 2024. Dental Students and the AI Revolution: Exploring Awareness and Perception. PJMD.13(2):80-89. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36283/PJMD13-2/013
Previous/Current Research Funding (Including VCSFI funding)