Prof. Dr. Mazhar-ul-Hasan
Professor & Head of Department
9th Floor, SMBBIT, Chand Bibi Road, Karachi
- MBBS (Sind Medical College, Karachi, affiliated with University of Karachi, in 1992)
- FCPS (Ophthalmology, passed in August, 2003)
- MCPS (Ophthalmology, passed in May, 2002)
- Fellowship of International Council Ophthalmology in Pediatric Ophthalmology (Italy) July 2012
- Certificate Course on Health Professions Education (CHPE)” 2020, 6th months diploma Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi.
- Membership MRCPS (Glasg) Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
Pediatric Ophthalmology, Cataract, Cornea, Retina
Research Gate/ORCID link
List of Selected Research Publications (with DOI citation)
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Rehman A, Qidwai U, “Visual outcomes in Patients with Diabetic Macular Oedema undergoing Cataract Surgery with or without Intravitreal Bevacizumab”. Asian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2011;12 (3):135-9
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Qidwai U. “Visual outcome after intravitreal Bevacezumab injection in macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion”, Pak J Ophthalmol 2011, Vol. 27 No. 2:page 84-88
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Kazi A, Qidwai U. “Assessment of the complications secondary to silicone oil injection after pars plana vitrectomy in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in early post operative phase”. Pak J Ophthalmol 2011, Vol. 27 No. 2: page 68-72.
- Rashid Alvi, Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Naimatullah Sial, Qidwai U.“Visual outcome and pattern of industrial ocular injuries”. Pak J Ophthalmol 2011, Vol. 27 No. 1:page 8-11.
- Aziz, Israr, Sadia, Mazhar-ul-Hasan. Visual outcome and complication in AB externo scleral fixation IOL in aphakic. (Pak J Ophthalmol 2011, Vol. 27 No. 2:page 84-88)
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Qidwai U , Aziz ur Rehman, Nasir Bhatti, Rashid Alvi.“ Comparison of Complications and Visual Outcome after Peadiatric Cataract Surgery with or Without Intra Ocular Lens Implantation at Al-Ibrahim Eye Hospital, Karachi.”. Pak J Ophthalmol 2011, Vol. 27 No. 1:page 30-34
- Rashid Alvi, Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Zia. Visual Rehabilitation and IOPcontrol after single site phacotrabeculectomy. (Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, published in November 2010)
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Mahar, Aziz. Randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effects of intravitreal Bevacizumab administration on visual outcome in diabetic patients with diabetic macular edema who underwent cataract surgery. (PJO 2010, vol. 26, No.3)
- N. Sial, Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Fattah. Laser in Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) for the Treatment of High Myopia at Isra University(Ophthalmology Update, Published, October 2010)
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan, M. Abbas. Relationship between central corneal thickness and intraocular pressure in selected Pakistani population. (PJO, Published April 2010)
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Rashid, Sial. Visual outcome and complication of phacoemulsification cataract surgery performed by residents at Al-Ibrahim Eye Hospital. (Annals of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, published in November 2010).
- Mahar, Nabeel, Mazhar-ul-Hasan. The effect of sub-conjunctival Mitomycin-C on intra ocular pressure in various types of glaucoma. (Asian J Ophthalmol. 2010; 12:2-6. www.asianjo.com)
- N.Sial, Mazhar-ul-Hasan, R. Shaikh. Ocular disorder amongst school going children in Sudan. (Ophthalmology Update, Published July 2010)
- Aziz, Nasir, Mazhar-ul-Hasan.Prognostic factor and visual outcome after management of posterior segment intraocular foreign body by PPV. (Ophthalmology Update, Published July 2010)
- N. Sial, Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Rashid. IOP variation in Myopic Patient after LASIK. (Ophthalmology Update, published, April 2010)
- Nasir, Yawar. Mahar, Aziz, Fazal, Mazhar. Outcome of Penetrating Keratoplasty from a Corneal Unit in Pakistan. (PJO, published, 2009)
- Ashraf, Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Fawad. Study of Levator resection in ptosis comparison between anterior and posterior approach. (Ophthalmology update, published, January 2010)
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Lachhman, Aziz.Comparison between topical anesthesia and retrobulbar anesthesia in cataract surgery. (Ophthalmology update, October 2009)
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan. Alvi R . Qidwai U. “Intraoperative and early postoperative complications of phacoemulsification”. Ophthalmology Update. October2009
- Nasir, Yawar. Mahar, Aziz, Fazal, Mazhar.Indications of Penetrating Keratoplasty at a Corneal Unit in Pakistan. (Ophthalmology update, published, 2008)
- Asfand, Aziz, Waseem, Yawar, Nasir, Mazhar-ul-Hasan. Anatomical and functional Outcome following primary retinal reattachment surgery in phakic and pseudophakic rhagmatogenous retinal detachment. (JAMC)
- Mazhar-ul-Hasan, Umair, Rashid. Managing Pediatric Cataract at Isra Postgraduate Institute of Ophthalmology, Al-Ibrahim Eye Hospital. ( PJS)
- Nasir Bhatti, Muhaamad Umar Fawad, Munawar, Umair, Mazhar-ul-hasan, Side effects and effectiveness of subconjunctival Bevacizmuab injesction in Patients with Corneal Neovascularization (POJ 2012, Volume no. 28 No. 1)
- Nasir Bhatti, Muhaamad Umar Fawad, Munawar, Umair, Mazhar-ul-hasan, Aziz , Three years clinical audit of patient presenting in cornea clinic at tertiary care, (PJO, Volume no. 27 Issue no. 4)
- Removal of cataract by phacoemulsification and its complications. (Dissertation)
- Nasir bhati , Yawar, Aziz, PS Mahar, Fazal, Mazhar, Partab. Regression of corneal vascularization by laser treatment – PJO Vol. 26 No. 1 Jan 2010
- Dr. Hasan, Rauf, Asshraf, Nasir, Mazhar, use of polypropylene suture as sling material in frontalis brow suspension for congenital ptosis with poor leavator function (july 2010 ophthalmology update)
- Aziz, Munawar, fayyaz, Mazhar, comparison of raised IOP after PPV 1000 and 5000 CST silicone oil in Regmetogenis Retinal detachment (PJO Vol 27 No. 1Jan 2011)
- Frequency and causes of visual impairment and blindness among middle and older population. FarnazSiddqiui, Saba Alkhairy, Mazahar ul Hasan. Pak J Ophthalmol 2017 Vol 33. No.1
- Relationship between Body Mass Index and Intraocular Pressure in Diabetic and Hyper mature Adults. Pak J. Ophthalmology 2016, Vol .32 No. 1 Farnaz Siddiqui, Saba Alkhairy, Mazhar ul Hasan, Darshan Kumar.
- Orbit facial Anthropometry in a Pakistani Population. Pak J Ophthalmol 2016, Vol 32 No. 1 Saba alkhairy, Farnaz Siddiqui, Mazhar ul Hasan.
- Stress and Phaco Surgeon. An unavoidable Association.A Saba, Farnaz S,H Mazhar.Pak J ophthalmol 2016 Vol 32 No 4
- Prevalence of Amblyopia amongst children presenting in a treasury care centre in Karachi. Pak J ophthalmol 2015, Vol 32 No 3 Saba Alkhairy, Farnaz Siddiqui, Mazhar ul Hasan.
- Screening of Hepatitis B and C in patients before ocular surgical Procedures. Farnaz siddiqui, Abdul Rasheed, Saba alkhairy, Mazhar ul Hassan, Med Forum, Vol 26, 9 2015.
- Prevalence of different refractive errors and their relation to age and sex in patients presenting in the Outpatient department of Ophthalmology at Dow University of health sciences, Abdul Rasheed, Saba Alkhairy, Farnaz Siddiqui, Mazhar ul Hasan Med. Forum, vol.26, No. 1.
- Frequency of Diabetic Retinopathy in Karachi, Pakistan: A Hospital Based Study Journal of the Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi 2015, Vol. 9 (2): 56-59 Saba Alkhairy, Abdul Rasheed, Farnaz Aziz, Mazhar-ul-Hassan and Sarfaraz Nawaz.
- Cycloplegic Refraction in children with cyclopentolate versus atropine. Abdul Rasheed, Saba Alkhairy, Mazhar-ul-Hassan, Farnaz Siddiqui Med, Forum 2015, Vol .26 No.9
- Frequency and visual outcome of Choroidal tubercles with Miliary Tuberculosis Mirza Shafiq Ali Baig, Mohammad Masroor, Jameel A. Burney, Farnaz Siddiqui, Mazhar ul Hasan, Sarfaraz Nawaz. Pak J Opthalmol 2014, Vol -30 No. 4.
- Frequencyofcataractanditsassociationwithtobaccouse.AlkhairyS,SiddiquiF,HassanM, NayaniA.PaKj JOphthalmol 2019,Vol 35,No2
- 15.”Tostudytheassociationsofriskfactorswithchildhoodmyopia”AlkhairyS,Siddiqui F,HassanM,MirzaA,NayaniA,JawedM.October -December2019,Vol.35,No4
- Pattern and Magnitude of Ocular Trauma Sustained in Road Traffic Accidents (A Trauma Centre Study) Fizzah Farooq1 , Muhammad Muneer Quraishy2 , Mazhar ul Hassan3 , Mehvash Hussain4 , Faiza Mushtaq5Pak J Ophthalmol. 2022, 38 (4): 266-270.
- Frequency and causes of amblyopia in children visiting an eye opd of tertiary care hospital.J Madiha,Hassan M,Alkhairy S,Azeem A,Siddiqui F, Nizammudin M.International journal of ophthalmology sciences,March 2019, Vol 1(1):8-10
- Intraoperative and immediate post operative complications of cataract surgery in an eye camp.Azeem A,Alkhairy S,Hassan M,Aslam S,Siddique F.Pak J ophthalmol, May 2020;36(3)
- Jawaid M, Hassan M- ul-, Al-Khairy S, Siddiqui F, Azeem A. Frequency of Different Ocular Conditions Leading to Ocular Morbidity in Pediatric Age Group at Dow University Hospital. pjo [Internet]. 3Sep.2021 [cited 30Sep.2021];37(4). Available from: https://pjo.org.pk/index.php/pjo/article/view/1202
- Amar Yasir Junejo, Mazhar ul Hassan Strabismus and its Types in Children of Age 6 to 15 Years Presenting at a Public Sector Hospital of Karachi. J Dow Univ Health Sci 2019, Vol. 13 (1): 24-29