Prof. Dr. Farah Naz
Professor & Head of Department
DIDC, Chanesar Goth, Defense Campus, Karachi
FCPS (Operative Dentistry), The College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, Feb 2008
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), University of Karachi, Baqai Dental College, Nov 2000
CHPE (Certificate Course) Health Profession Education, DUHS, March 2020 (6 Months)
1. Naz F. Reasons for extraction in permanent dentition: A study in a tertiary care setting in Pakistan. J Pak Dent Assoc.2011; 20 (4): 235-238
2. Umer F, Naz F, Khan FR. An in vitro evaluation of microleakage in class V preparations restored with Hybrid versus Silorane composites. J Conserv Dent 2011; 14:103-7 (issue of April to June)
3. Naz F, Amin M, Ahmed MA, Rahman M Assessment of microleakage of three restorative materials in class V cavities- An in vitro study. Med. Forum September 2013; 24 (9): 60-64.
4. Amin M, Naz F, Sheikh A, Ahmed MA. Comparison of post-operative sensitivity with posterior dental composites by using self-etch and total-etch adhesives. J Pak Dent Assoc.2015; 24 (1): 22-27
5. Waseem FS, Naz F, Afaq A, Qureshi MA. Effect of Smoking on C-reactive protein levels in Chronic Periodontitis. PODJ June 2015; 35 (2): 243-45
6. Akhtar H, Naz F, Waseem FS, Shahnawaz D. Caries Risk Assesment in Adult population Using ADA form. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2015
7. Ghazal T, Ahmed MA, Naz F, Amin M. Comparison of accuracy of working length measured by apex locator and periapical radiograph. PODJ September 2015; 35 (3): 531-4
8. Tanwir A, Amin M, Choudry Z, Naz F. Knowledge, attitude and perception of dental fraternity towards practice of rubber dam. PODJ December 2015; 35 (4): 691-694.
9. Rafique M, Naz F, Hassan A, Jawaed N- ul-A, Waseem FS. Perception of dental aesthetics and treatment needs among dental and non-dental students. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal [Internet]. 1May2019 [cited 3May2019]; 39(1):75-1
10. Shahnawaz D, Akhtar H, Choudhry Z, Naz F, Hasan A, Khan JA. Golden proportion and golden standard assessment of maxillary anterior teeth among undergraduate students”. J Pak Dent Assoc 2019; 28(2):74-77.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25301/JPDA.282.74
11. Asif M, Ahmed M, Malik S, Choudhry Z, Mughal N, Naz F. Evaluation of loosely bound water loss from different compositions of Glass Ionomer Cement. JAyub Med Coll 2018; 30 (4 suppl 1): 633-638.
12. Hasan A, Naz F, Ali SA, Khan JA, Ali Batool. Technical Errors in intra Oral Radiographs Obtained in Endodontic Department of a teaching Dental Hospital. J Pak Dent Assoc 2019; 28(2):50-54 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25301/JPDA.282.50
13. Naz, F., Hassan, A., & Amin, M. (2019). Dental care seeking behavior among patients of a tertiary care setting. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 39(2), 195-198. Retrieved from http://podj.com.pk/index.php/podj/article/view/401
14. Hasan A, Khan JA, et al. Predictors for Proximal Caries in Permanent First Molars: A Multiple Regression Analysis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20(7):818–821.
15. Aziz M, Jat SA, Qazi FUR, Naz F, Moorpani P, Shah M. Audiovisual distraction: A pricking pain reduction modality among ladies receiving intraoral injections. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2020; 30(1):4-8.
16. Jawaed N, Abidi SYA, Niazi MIK, Parvez K, Naz F, Ahmed S. An In-Vitro Comparison and Analysis of Apical Microleakage of Thermafil, System B and Cold Lateral Compaction Obturation Techniques by using Linear Dye Penetration Measurement Method. J Liaquat Uni Med Health, Sci. 2020; 19 (02):133-8. https://doi: 10.22442/jlumhs.201920676
17. Munazza Aziz, Shahbaz Ahmed, Fazal-ur-Rehman Qazi, Farah Naz, Marina Shah, & Prena Moorpani. (2021). Effect of pre-cooling agent on intensity of pricking pain at intraoral injection site in adults: An experimental study. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.1127