Dr. Mahnoor Hafeez
Senior Instructor / Consultant Radiologist
Dow Insitute of Radiology building, Suparco road, off main university road, Gulzar e Hijri, scheme 33 , Karachi
Years of Experience
- FCPS (Radiology)
- EDiR
- The accuracy and precision of plain CT chest for diagnosis of anemia,
https://jpma.org.pk/index.php/public_html/article/view/8548 - Inter observer reliability for peritoneal carcinomatosis at computed tomography.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2023 May;73(5):973-977. doi: 10.47391/JPMA.6167. - Diagnostic accuracy of Non-ECG Gated Chest CT (NEGCT) for echocardiography
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37018/MHAS.0901 - Morphologic abnormalities of Diffuse Liver Diseases at Triphasic CT Exam.
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Isra Med J. 2021; 13(3): 192-196 - The frequency of Abdomino-Pelvic Oncologic emergencies at Contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography among patients reporting to Radiology Department
Isra Med J. 2021; 13(2): 115-118. - Efficacy of Plain Computed Tomography (CT) Abdomen For Urinary Stone Disease In Symptomatic Patients.
https://vlibrary.emro.who.int/imemr/efficacy-of-plain-computed-tomography-ct-abdomen-for-urinary-stone-disease-in-symptomatic-patients/ - The Ct Criteria of Unresectability for Pancreatic Carcinoma.
http://www.pakjr.com/ojs/index.php/PJR/article/view/588 - The role of Computed Tomography in the diagnosis of Hepatocellular carcinoma in Viral Hepatitis B And C Patients- Dissertation based article.