Fuad Shaikh
1st floor, Dept of Pharmacology, DMC, DUHS, Baba-e-Urdu Rd, Karachi
MPhil (Pharmacology), IBMS, DUHS
MBBS, Karachi University (DMC)
HSc (Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education), Adamjee Govt Science College
O Levels (Cambridge Intl Examinations), St Patrick's High School
1 To study the efficacy & safety of Hussain T, Sultana M, WJPPS, 10(8), 2021 Allopurinol alone & in combination Khalid S, Hasan SS, p 2633-44 with Febuxostat in hyperuricemic Shaikh F, Hasan N. patients.
2 To compare the efficacy, tolerability Hussain T, Turab M, Professional Med J 2020; & patient acceptability of Allopurinol Sultana M, Shaikh F, 27(4): and Febuxostat in hyperuricemic Hasan SS, Khalid S patients.
3 Oxidative stress associated with altered Khalid S, Shaikh F, Pak.J.Pharm.Sci, 2019 activity of glutathione peroxidase and Imran-ul-Haq H S 32(1) superoxide dismutase enzymes with IDA during pregnancy
4 Underutilization of research journals by Azam F, Shaheen A, Cureus 10(5) 2018 undergraduate students of medical Shaikh F et al colleges in Islamabad: a cross-sectional study
5 Decreased activity of glutathione Khalid S, Shaikh F, Pak.J.Pharm.Sci, 2018 peroxidase with oral ferrous iron Moeen S 31(2) administration: a cause of oxidative stress
6 Feto-maternal outcomes and glycemic Arshad R, Khanum S Pak J Med Sci 2017 controls in Metformin versus Insulin- Shaikh F, Karim N treated gestational diabetics
7 To compare the efficacy, tolerability and Hasan S, Shaikh F, Medical Channel 2017 patient acceptability of Bambuterol Sultana M, Iqbal A, Vol 23 (3)against Borage plus Echium (botanical Salat Y seed oil) in chronic asthma
8 Evaluation of ST resolution by Ahmed S N, Sultana M, JBUMDC 6(1) 2016 streptokinase therapy in patients of MI Shaikh F, Hasan S, among age group of more than 60 years Qasmi SA
9 Leflunomide in rheumatoid arthritis: Shaikh F, Ahmed N, JBUMDC 6(2) 2016 Effect on Laboratory Parameters Khalid S, Karim N
10 Methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis: Shaikh F, Arshad R, JBUMDC 5(4) 2015 effect on blood, liver and renal Azam F, Karim N laboratory parameters
11 Assessing therapy response in rheumatoid Shaikh F, Arshad R, Med Channel, 2015 arthritis by RAPID3 score & Grip Karim N Vol (21)3 Strength Test
12 Placental histology in diet and Insulin- Arshad R, Shaikh F, Med Forum 2015 treated gestational diabetics Shamim M, Karim N, Vol 26(4)
13 Safety profile of Methotrexate & Shaikh F, Arshad R, JBUMDC 5(1) 2015 Leflunomide in rheumatoid arthritis Karim N
14. Grip Strength Test: a simple functional Shaikh F, Karim N, JBUMDC 3(2) 2013 adjunct tool for rheumatoid arthritis Mahmood K, Ghauri M