Dr. Yousuf Yahya
Assistant Professor
Paeds Unit - II Dr Ruth K.M Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi
FCPS, College of Physician and Surgeons, 2002
MCPS, College of Physician and Surgeons, 1998
Diploma of Child Health, University of Karachi, 1998
1. Ammarah Jamal, Yousuf Yahya, Aisha Mehnaz, Zakira Mastoor. Spectrum of Tuberculosis in children at tertiary care hospital: sharing experience. Pak Pediatr J 2018; 42(1): 32-36
2. Jamal A, Yahya Y, Karim MT. Do we need to give measles vaccine to children earlier than the currently recommended age? J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2018;30 (1):111–4.
3. Jamal A, Yahya Y, Ashfaq AM, Baloch Z. Impact of Measles Vaccination on the Acquisition and Frequency of Measles Infection in Province of Sindh. Annals ASH KM&DC 2017;22:237-42. (ASH & KMDC 22(4):237;2017)
4. Dengue fever outbreak in Karachi 2001 – A study of Clinical profile and outcome of children under 15 years of age. JPMA.58:4;2008. (Third author)
5. Ammarah Jamal, Iqbal A. Memon, Yousuf Yahya, clinical experience of drug resistance in Malaria among admitted paediatric patients. Pak PaedJ2010;34(1).3-9 (Third author)
6. Aisha Mehnaz, Yousuf Yahya, Iqbal Soomro, Noor Masqati, Gule Rana, Shanker Lal. Pediatric HIV/AIDS in Pakistan – Experience of a Tertiary Care Centre. Pak Pediatr J 2017; 41(4): 249-55