Dr. Wajiha Iffat


Dr. Wajiha Iffat


Assistant Professor




Dow College of pharmacy, Dow University of health sciences ojha campus gulzar-e-hijri road scheme 33.


  • B.Pharm
  • M.Pharm
  • PhD


1. Iffat W, Nesar S, Shakeel S, Qamar A, Nazar S, Rahim M, et al. Measures of depressive symptoms using beck depression inventory-ii among healthcare professionals during a pandemic of covid-19. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 2021:729-34.
2. Anser H, Imam S, Khatoon H, Sarfaraz S, Iffat W, Fatima S, et al. Determination of anxiolytic and antidepressant like activity of hydro alcoholic fruit extract of Pyrus communis (L.) and its impact on the memory after chronic dosing in animal models. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2021; 34.
3. Shakeel S, Iffat W, Qamar A, Ghuman F, Yamin R, Ahmad N, et al., editors. Pediatricians’ Compliance to the Clinical Management Guidelines for Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Young Children in Pakistan. Healthcare; 2021: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
4. Hanif AM, Bushra R, Iffat W, Ghayas S, Perveen S. Optimization of empagliflozin immediate release tablets (10 mg) using central composite rotatable design with response surface methodology. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2021; 34(4):1577-83.
5. Shakeel S, Nesar S, Iffat W, Rehman H, Aziz S, Mumtaz T, et al. Pharmacists’ Insights and Behaviors in Preventing the Misuse of Topical Corticosteroids in Pakistan: A Mixed-Method Study. Cosmetics. 2021; 8(3):72.
6. Shakeel S, Iffat W, Rehman H, Nesar S, Bashir L, Naz S. Pharmacy Students’ Awareness and Practices Concerning the Disposal of Household Medicines in Karachi, Pakistan. LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. 2021; 40(3):467-74.
7. Iffat W, Shoaib MH, Yousuf RI, Qazi F, Mahmood ZA, Muhammad IN, et al. Use of Eudragit RS PO, HPMC K100M, Ethyl Cellulose, and Their Combination for Controlling Nicorandil Release from the Bilayer Tablets with Atorvastatin as an Immediate-Release Layer. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation. 2020:1-20.
8. Wajiha Iffat, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, Rabia Ismail Yousuf, Faaiza Qazi, Zafar Alam Mahmood, Iyad Naeem Muhammad, Kamran Ahmed, Farrukh Rafiq Ahmed, Muhammad Suleman Imtiaz.Use of Eudragit RS PO, HPMC K100M, Ethyl Cellulose, and Their Combination for Controlling Nicorandil Release from the Bilayer Tablets with Atorvastatin as an Immediate-Release Layer. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation. 2020:1-20
9. Sadia SHAKEEL, Mohamed A. HASSALI, Hina REHMAN, Wajiha IFFAT, Riffat YASMIN & Umbreen FARRUKH. Explanatory Findings of Prescribing Biosimilar Medicines in Oncology Care Settings of Pakistan. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 39 (10): 2041-5 (2020).
10. Shazia Nazar, Ambreen Qamar, Shayan Khan, Wajiha Iffat, Sitwat Zehra, and Syeda Nuzhat Nawab. Genetic variability of omentin-1 gene in apparently healthy population. Annals of Jinnah Sindh Medical University. 2019; 5(1):10-4.
11. Shazia Nazar , Ambreen Qamar , Hira Ahmed , Shazia Fahmi, Afshan Mehboob , Wajiha Iffat. Frequency and Pattern of Dyslipidaemia in Pakistani Females with Coronary Artery Disease. ANNALS OF ABBASI SHAHEED HOSPITAL AND KARACHI MEDICAL & DENTAL COLLEGE. 2019; 24(2):70-5.
12. Naqvi AA, Hassali MA, Iffat W, Shakeel S, Zia M, Fatima M, et al. Cross‐culture adaptation and validation of English version of Rheumatoid Arthritis Knowledge Assessment Scale (RAKAS) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 2020
13. Sadia SHAKEEL, Mohamed A. HASSALI, Hina REHMAN, Wajiha IFFAT, Amer H. KHAN, Anees ur REHMAN & Samreen AZIZ. Off-Label Drug Prescribing Practice among Cancer Patients in Oncology Care Settings of Pakistan. LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. 2020;39(6):1233-9.
14. Sadia Shakeel, Wajiha Iffat, Shagufta Nesar Hina Zaidi, Shazia Jamshed. Exploratory Findings of Prescribing Unlicensed and Off-Label Medicines among Children and Neonates. Integrated Pharmacy Research & Practice. 2020; 9:33.
15. Naqvi AA, Hassali MA, Naqvi SBS, Shakeel S, Zia M, Fatima M, et al. Development and validation of the General Rehabilitation Adherence Scale (GRAS) in patients attending physical therapy clinics for musculoskeletal disorders. BMC musculoskeletal disorders. 2020; 21(1):1-11
16. Shahlla Imam, Wajiha Iffat, Sadia Shakeel, Ambreen Qamar, Najaf Usman, Nuzhat Sultana and Faisal Muhammad Khan. Acquaintance of Botox: A cross-sectional survey among female students in Karachi, Pakistan. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2019; 13(17):292-6.
17. Naqvi AA, Hassali MA, Iffat W, Zia M, Fatima M, Shakeel S, et al. Development and validation of a novel rheumatoid arthritis knowledge assessment scale in Pakistani patients with rheumatoid arthritis. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 2019; 22(11):2031-44.
18. Sadia SHAKEEL, Wajiha IFFAT, Fatima FASIH, Shagufta NESAR, Hina REHMAN & Nuzhat SULTANA. Prescribing Trends of Fixed-Dose Combinations: Physicians’ and Clinical Pharmacists’ Qualitative Insight. Lat Am J Pharm. 2019; 38(8):1683-6.
19. Wajiha Iffat, Sadia Shakeel, Atta Abbas Naqvi, Shehlla Imam, Tariq Ali, Shagufta Nesar, Riffat Yasmin, Faaiza Qazi Muhammad Faisal Khan and Madeeha Khan. Rational and experiential decision-making preferences of pharmacy students in Karachi, Pakistan. African journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 2019; 13(12):151-5.
20. Sadia Shakeel, Shagufta Nesar Wajiha Iffat Bilqees Fatima Tahmina Maqbool Shazia Jamshed. A quantitative insight of the interactions of prescribers with pharmaceutical organization’s representatives in clinical settings of Karachi. Integrated pharmacy research & practice. 2019; 8:75.
21. Wajiha IFFAT, Najia RAHIM, Tariq ALI, Muhammad H. SHOAIB, Iyad N. MUHAMMAD, Sidra AFZAL & Madiha MOID. Formulation Development and Optimization of Rapidly Disintegrating Tablet (RDT) of Piroxicam 20 mg using Central Composite Design. LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY. 2019; 38(6):1160-7.
22. Hafiz M. Arshad, Muhammad H. Shoaib, WajihaIffat & Bilal Azmi.Bioanalytical Method Development and Validation of Gatifloxacin.Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 2019; 38 (5): 896-900.
23. Atta Abbas Naqvi, Mohamed Azmi Hassali, Mehwish Rizvi,AleZehra, Wajiha Iffat, Abdul Haseeb,andShaziaJamshed. Development and Validation of a Novel General Medication Adherence Scale (GMAS) for Chronic Illness Patients in PakistanFront Pharmacol. 2018; 9: 1124.
24. MadihaMoid, Sidra Afzal, Najia Rahim, Tariq Ali, Wajiha Iffat,Lubna Bashir and Shazia Naz. High performance liquid chromatographic method validation for determination of rosuvastatin calcium in tablet dosage forms. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.31, No.4 (Suppl), July 2018, pp.1577-1582.
25. Wajiha Iffat, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, Rabia Ismail Yousuf, Najia Rahim, Abida Sultana, MadihaMaboos. Application and Validation of Analytical Method for Simultaneous Determination of Nicorandil and Atorvastatin in Bulk and Tablet Formulations. Lat Am J Pharm. 2018; 37 (8):1510-6
26. MadihaMaboos, Rabia Ismail Yousuf, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, IqbalNasiri, TazeenHussain, HafizaFouzia Ahmed and WajihaIffat. Effect of lipid and cellulose based matrix former on the release of highly soluble drug from extruded/spheronized, sintered and compacted pellets. Lipids in Health and Disease (2018) 17:136
27. SadiaShakeel, ShaguftaNesar, Najia Rahim, Wajiha Iffat, HafizaFouzia Ahmed, MehwishRizvi, ShaziaJamshed. Utilization and Impact of electronic and print media on the patients’ health status: Physicians’ perspectives. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2017 Oct-Dec; 9(4): 266–271.
28. ShaguftaNesar, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, KiranRafiq, Najia Rahim, IyadNaeem Muhammad, Wajiha Iffat.Prescribing pattern of angiotensin receptor blocker: A study of errors and drug-drug interactions. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2018 Jan; 31(1):113-117.
29. Sadia Shakeel, WajihaIffat, Atta Abbas Naqvi, Fouzia Ahmed, ShuguftaUsmani, ManahilMazhar and Ayesha Nisar. The Understanding of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Among Medical Practitioners of Karachi, Pakistan. Trop Med Infect Dis. 2017, 2(2), 16.
30. Najia Rahim,Wajiha Iffat, Sadia Shakeel,Muhammad Iyad Naeem, Faiza Qazi,Mehwish Rizvi, Iqbal Nasiri, Lubna Bashir, Faisal Muhammad Khan, HinaYaseen, and Shazia Jamshed. Perspectives about pandemic Influenza and its prophylactic measures among pharmacy students in Karachi, Pakistan. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2017 Apr-Jun; 9(2):144-151
31. Najia Rahim, Iyad Naeem Muhammad, SadiaShakeel, Wajiha Iffat, Madiha Maboos & Shazia Q. Jamshed. Validation of Patients’ Satisfaction Regarding Medications’ Information Questionnaire (PSMIQ) in Karachi, Pakistan. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 36 (8): 1524-32 (2017)
32. Wajiha Iffat,Najia Rahim,SadiaShakeel, Tariq Ali, ShaziaNaz, Lubna Bashir, Areeb Bin Tariq. Prevalence of dyslipidemia through screening among karachities. Int J Curr Res. 9(6):52796 – 52799. June 2017.
33. Wajiha Iffat,, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, Yousuf RI. Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Polymer Combination: Formulation Development and Optimization of Nicorandil Sustained Release Tablet. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 2017; 36(5):907-17.
34. Wajiha Iffat, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, Rahim N, Arshad M, Anwer S, Maboos M, et al. Assessment of Pharmaceutical Equivalence of Different Generic Atorvastatin Tablets available in Pakistan. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy. 2017; 36(10):2098-104.
35. SadiaShakeel, Atta Abbas Naqvi, Wajiha Iffat. Emergence of the Chikungunya Virus (CHIKV) in Pakistan: Mapping the 2016 Outbreak. Arch Pharma Pract. [Epub ahead of print] [Cited2019 mar 17]
36. Najia Rahim, SadiaShakeel, Wajiha Iffat,Iyad Naeem Muhammad, Masood Ahmed Khan &ShaguftaNesar. Approach of Hospital Pharmacists towards Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting in Pakistan. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 36 (3): 521-6 (2017)
37. Wajiha Iffat, Sadia Shakeel, Fatima Fasih (2016) “Pakistani Healthcare Practitioners’ Understanding of the Zika Virus Disease”. J Health Edu Res Dev 4:185. doi:10.4172/2380-5439.1000185
38. Shakeel S, Wajiha Iffat, Madiha Khan. "Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge Assessment of NaegleriaFowleri Infection."Scientifica (Cairo).2016;2016:2498283.doi:10.1155/2016/2498283. Epub 2016 Feb 15. PMID: 26981318
39. SaimaNaseem, WajihaIffat, SadiaShakeel, SyedAreeb Bin Tariq. “Knowledge about Antibiotic Use amongst the Public: a cross sectional study in Karachi.” Infec. Dis J Pak Volume 25 Issue 03 Sept 2016 pp 49-54.
40. WajihaIffat, Muhammad H. Shoaib, Rabia Ismail, Tariq Ali, Shakeel, Sadia. Post Market In Vitro Release Profile Study and Cost Comparison of Different Nicorandil Brands Available in Karachi, Pakistan. Lat. Am. J. Pharm35, no. 3 (2016): 457-62.
41. Najia Rahim, KiranRafiq, Wajiha Iffat, Shagufta Nesar, Sadia Shakeel. Patients Comprehension of Pharmaceutical Package Inserts Information in Karachi, Pakistan. Trop J Pharm Res. December 2015; 14 (12): 2307-2311.
42. SadiaShakeel, Wajiha Iffat and Hafiza. Fouzia Ahmed. "Biosimilar Products’ Application in Advanced Drug Therapy; A Qualitative Insight." J Med Diagn Meth 5, no. 199 (2016): 2.
43. Shakeel, Sadia, WajihaIffat, Hina Rehman, Nadia Jamil, FaizaNazeer, SafilaNaveed, and HumairaIshaq. "Assessing the level of awareness and vaccination status of Hepatitis B among young female community of Pakistan." Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science.14, no. 4 (2015): 376
44. WajihaIffat, RiffatYasmin, SadiaShakeel, FariyaZafar, Shehla Imam, Abida Sultana, Tehseen Quds, and YumnaNidaYousuf. "The Approach of Pharmacy Students towards Communication of Medication Errors in Karachi, Pakistan." Trop J Pharm Res.14, no. 12 (2016): 2293-2297.
45. Shakeel, S., S. Naveed, Wajiha Iffat, S. Farooqi, and F. Nazeer. "Pharmacy Students’ Attitude and Stigmatization of People with Schizophrenia in Pakistan." J BioequivAvailab 8 (2016): 108-111.
46. SadiaShakeel, Wajiha Iffat, Fatima Fasih, and Y. N. Yousuf. "Expanding Role of Pharmacists in Delivering Clinical Services; General Practitioners’ and Pharmacists’ Viewpoint." J Pharma Care Health Sys 2, no. 148 (2015): 2376-0419
47. Wajiha Iffat, SadiaShakeel, and Muhammad Yaqoob. "The Impact of Organizational Care on Job Satisfaction among Health Care Professionals in Karachi." Open Access Library Journal, Vol.02 No.11 (2015).
48. Najia Rahim, Syed Baqir Shyum Naqvi, Sadia Shakeel, Wajiha Iffat , Iyad Naeem Muhammad. Determination of cefadroxil in tablet/capsules formulations by a validated reverse phase high performance liquid chroatographic method Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.01/2015; 28(5).
49. Wajiha Iffat, SadiaShakeel, Hafiz Muhammad Arshad, Madiha Sana Fatima. Pharmacy students’ opinion towards the attributes of the pharmaceutical marketing and management course in pharm-D curriculum. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences 03/2015; 4(3):1183-1191
50. SadiaShakeel, Wajiha Iffat, Sadaf Ibrahim, ShehlaImam.Pharmacists’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Beliefs Regarding Intervention for Prescription Medicines Abuse. Open Access Library Journal. (Vol.02 No.11 (2015).
51. Shakeel, Sadia, SafilaNaveed, Wajiha Iffat, FaizaNazeer, and YumnaNidaYousuf. "Pakistani Women Knowledge, Beliefs and Attitudes towards Osteoporosis." Journal of Bioequivalence & Bioavailability Volume 7(6): 270-273 (2015) – 270.
52. Wajiha Iffat, SadiaShakeel, Shehla Imam, and Tehseen Quds. "Perceived Barriers and Expectations of General Public for Establishing Community Pharmacy in Pakistan." (2015).
53. Shagufta Nesar, Muhammad Haris Shoaib, Najia Rahim, Wajiha Iffat, Sadia Shakeel, Rehana Bibi. Prescription Writing Practices and Errors in Prescriptions Containing Cardiovascular Drugs Especially Ace Inhibitors in Karachi, Pakistan. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 8, Issue 4, 2015, 53-55
54. SADIA SHAKEEL, WAJIHA IFFAT, AMBREEN QAMAR “Physicians’ Apprehensions in Managing A Febrile Child” Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 7, Issue 5, 2014, 173-177.
55. Fakhsheena Anjum, Sadia Shakeel, Sana Ghayas, Wajiha Iffat. Shisha “Smoking Trend: Current Scenario in Karachiites” Int J Pharm 2014; 4(4):215-219
56. Wajiha iffat, sadia shakeel, Muhammad yaqoob. Impact of organizational care on job satisfaction among health care professional in Karachi.open access library journal. Volume 2. 2015.
57. Shahzad Ahmad, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, Rabia Ismail Yosuf, Wajiha Iffat,Sadia Shakeel, Najia Rahim, Riffat Yasmin, Rehana Bibi And Sadaf Ibrahim. “Formulation Development of Immediate Release Chlorpropamide Tablets Using Directly Compressible Excipients.” Afr. J. Pharm.Pharmacol. Vol. 8(35), Pp. 857-861, 22 September 2014
58. Najia Rahim, Syed Baqir Shyum Naqvi, Rehana Bibi, Wajiha Iffat, Sadia Shakeel and Iyad Naeem Muhammad. “Disintegrants Combination: Development and Optimization of a Cefadroxil Fast Disintegrating Tablet.” Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.27, No.5 (Special), September 2014, Pp.1467-1475
59. Sadia Shakeel, Wajiha Iffat, Fakhsheena Anjum, Rabia Bushra, Sadaf Ibrahim,Shajya Shafiq, “Emerging Need Of Pharmacovigilance: Perspectives Of Future Pharmacist In Pakistan” Ijptp, 2014, 5(2), 966-9.
60. Wajiha Iffat, Sadia Shakeel, Saima Naseem, Abdur Rasheed. “Social Networking Experiences on Facebook Pertaining to Accountability and E-Professionalism: A Future Perspective” Int J Pharm 2014; 4(3): 83-88
61. Riffat Yasmin, Sadia Shakeel, Wajiha Iffat, Shaima Hasnat, Tehseen Quds. Comparative Analysis of Understanding of Pictograms among Pharmacy and Non-Pharmacy Students. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (Ijsbar) (2014) Volume 13, No 1, Pp 197-204
62. Wajiha Iffat, Sadia Shakeel, Najia Rahim, Fakhsheena Anjum, Shagufta Neesar, and Sana Ghayas. "Pakistani Physicians Knowledge and Attitude towards Reporting Adverse Drug Reactions." African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 8, No. 14 (2014): 379-385
63. SadiaShakeel, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, Wajiha Iffat, Najia Rahim & Tariq Ali. Formulation Development and Optimization of Pioglitazone Hydrochloride Tablets Using Central Composite Design. Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 33 (3): 414-9 (2014)
64. Anjum, Fakhsheena, Nighat Razvi, and Wajiha Iffat."Effects of Radiation and Hormonal Therapies in Female Breast Cancer Patients." (2014).
65. Wajiha Iffat, Sadia Shakeel, Saima Naseem, Shehla Imam, Marvi Khan. Attitudinal Survey to Assess Medical and Dental Students’ Belief of Adr Reporting in Pakistan. Pakistan Int J Pharm PharmSci, Vol 6, Issue 5, 279-283.
66. Yasmin, Riffat, SadiaShakeel, Wajiha Iffat, and, Madiha Fatima Sana. "Fixed Dose Combination: Understanding of Imminent Pharmacist." International Journal of Pharmacy 4, No. 1 (2014).
67. Sadia Shakeel, Wajiha Iffat, Riffat Yasmin, Huma Ali. Prospective Career Preferences of Imminent Pharmacist Iosr Journal of Pharmacy Volume 3, Issue 8 (September 2013), Pp 38-43
68. Sadia Shakeel, Wajiha Iffat,Riffat Yasmin,Najia Rahim.First Professional Pharm D Students’ Inspiration to Join Pharmacy as A Career. Asian J.Pharm.Hea.Sci Oct-Dec 2013 Vol-3 Issue- 4
69. Shakeel Sadia, Wajiha Iffat, Yasmin Riffat,Ali Huma& Ibrahim Sadaf. Pharmacy Student’s Perception and Attitude towards the Course and Scope of Community Pharmacy in Pakistan. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (J Pharm Biomed Sci.) 2013 July; 32(32): 1400-1406
70. Shakeel, Sadia, Wajiha Iffat, Tehseen Quds, Nighat Tanveer, and Sidra Hassan. "Pervasiveness of Scholastic Duplicity and Plagiarism among the Pharmacy Students in Pakistan." International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (Ijsbar) 12, No. 1 (2013): 167-175.
71. Hanif, Muhammad, Iyad N. Muhammad, WajihaIffat, Rabia Ismail Yosuf, Muhammad Ghiasuddin, and Harris M. Shoaib. "Development and Evaluation of Naproxen Sodium 250 Mg Effervescent Tablets."Lat. Am. J. Pharm. 30 (2011).
72. Wajiha Iffat, Muhammad Harris Shoaib, Iyad Naeem Muhammad, Tasleem S. Rehana, and Shahnaz Gauhar. "Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Newer Quinolones against Gram Positive and Gram Negative Clinical Isolates." Pak J Pharm Sci 23, No. 3 (2010): 245-249.