Professor of pathology DIMC/ Chairperson, Head of Pathology DIMC / Section Head Histopathology DDRRL / Director DIEKIBD
Department of Pathology, Dow International Medical College, Dow University of Health Sciences, Ojha Campus, Karachi.
- M.Phil
- PhD fellow
h2>Oral cancer
ResearchGate/ORCID link:
List of Selected Research Publications: Original Research Publications:
1Bushra Sikandar, 2Uzma Bukhari and 3Anita George “Retrospective analysis of spectrum of soft tissue tumors in a tertiary care center in Pakistan”. Int. J. pathol.2023;21(4): 145 – 152
Sobia Hassan1*, Talat Mirza2, Ambrina Khatoon2, Uzma Bukhari3, Fouzia Shaikh1 “In Silico Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes in Colorectal Carcinoma”. Advancements in Life Sciences | | March 2023 | Volume 10 | Issue 1.
Sabhita Shabir Shaikh, Raheela Khalid, Uzma Bukhari, Hafeezullah Shaikh, Syeda Aamna Ijtaba Rizvi , Alveena Shabbir . Frequency and risk factors of microscopic colitis as a cause of chronic watery diarrhea. JAMC. August 2023:35(3).
Ambreen Fatima, Fatima Fasih, Saima Naseem, Mehwish Sajjad, Hareem Gohar, Uzma Bukhari*. Bacteriologic Profile and Antibiotic Susceptibility in Patients with UTIs in Tertiary Care Hospital. J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci. 2022;21(04):252-7. doi:10.22442/jlumhs.2022.00943. Epub 2022
Hira Salam a,*, Shaheen Ahmed b, Muhammad Furqan Bari a, Uzma Bukhari c, Ghulam Haider d, Shariq Najeeb e, f and Nouman Mughal d,**Association of Kaiso and Partner Proteins in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Journal of Taibah University of Medical Sciences. Received 19 September 2022; revised 21 October 2022; accepted 12 December 2022; Available online.
Ahmed S, Khan S, Qureshi MA, Bukhari U, Anis M and Mughal MN. Expressional Variations of Kaiso: An Association with Pathological Characteristics and Field Cancerization of OSCC. Ahmed et al. BMC Cancer .2022;22:990.
Shafique M, Bukhari U, Kumar S, Raza M, Bukhari A. Frequency of C4d Positivity in Membranous and other Glomerulonephritis in Renal Biopsy Specimens in a Tertiary Care Hospital. J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci. 2022;21(02):102-6. doi: 10.22442/jlumhs.2022.00910. Epub 2022 May 18.
Naqvi SMA, Bukhari U, Naqvi SMZH, Mirza T. Frequency and pattern of salivary gland lesions at a tertiary care centre. Isra Med J. 2022; 14(2): x-x. DOI:
Exploring Therapeutic Potential of 1,3,4-Oxadiazole Nucleus as Anticancer Agents: A Mini-Review. Bukhari A, Nadeem H,Sarwar S, Abbasi I, Khan MT, Hamid I, Bukhari U. Medicinal Chemistry (Shariqah (United Arab Emirates)), 08 Jun 2022,
10.2174/1573406418666220608120908 PMID: 35676848, Medicinal Chemistry, 2023, 19, 119, 131
Shafique, M., Bukhari, U., Kumar, S., George, A., Bukhari, A. (2022). Morphological Audit of glomerular diseases in a tertiary care Hospital. International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research (IJEHSR), 10(1), 95-101.
Naseem S, Fatima A, Iqbal S, Fasih F, Naeem S, Bukhari U. Nitrofurantoin and Fosfomycin, effective oral empirical treatment options against multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli. JRMC [Internet]. 31Dec.2021 [cited 3Jan.2022]; 25(4).
Immunotherapy. 2021 Jan: 10.2217/imt-2020-0263.
Kumar S, Bukhari U, Sikandar B, George A, Memon Y, Khan N A. Sensitivity of Alpha-Methylacyl-COA Racemase (AMACR) Staining in Prostatic Adenocarcinoma. J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci. 2020; 19(04):275-9.
Bushra Sikandar, Yusra Shafique, Uzma Bukhari1 and Sidra Memon.Expression of Hormone Receptor and Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (HER2/neu) Status of Breast Carcinoma and Their Correlation with Clinico-Pathological Parameters.Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 25(2)-2020. BJSTR. MS.ID.004173.
Anita George, Durr-e-Sameen, Uzma Bukhari, Shahid Parve. Frequency of Cyclin D1 In squamous Cell Carcinoma: Does this have any Prognostic Implications? J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci. 2020;19(03):152-6.
Uzma Bukhari, Anita George, Yusra Shafique, Asma Bukhari. Prostatic Carcinoma: Frequency, Pattern and Evaluation of Gleason Grading in Prostate Biopsies Pak J Med Res, 2020; (April-June) 59(02):55-59.
ausheen Adnan, Uzma Bukhari and Iffat Raza. Evaluation of Weight Changes on Wistar Rats Induced By Erythromycin And Aqueous Neem Leaves Extract.
JBUMDC 2019; 9(1):03-07.
Uzma Bukhari, Durr-e-Sameen Kamran and Hira Salam. Clinical and Histopathological Spectrum of Ameloblastoma. Int.j.pathol.2018;16(4).
Durr-e-Sameen Kamran, Hira Salam, Uzma Bukhari and Shaheen Sharafat Lymphoma Distribution Trends from Single Institute of Pakistan: Spectrum of 212 Cases . Int.j.pathol.2017;15(3):94-98
Bukhari U, Jamal S, Lateef F. Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma, A study. Pakistan Oral & dental Journal. 2015;35(3):412-415.
Bukhari U, Lateef F, Jamal S. Frequency of Subgroups of diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma by immunohistochemistry. J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci. 2015;14(2):78-82.
Fayaz Ahamed Memon, Uzma Bukhari, Mir Mohammad Sahito. Prevalence of Malaria among the Patients Living in Areas of District SBA (Shaheed Benazir Bhutto) and Mirpurkhas. JMMC.ISSN:2075-9983; Oct 2014-April 2014: Page 02-05.
Fayaz Ahamed,Uzma Bukhari, Mir Mohammad Sahito. Hypercholesterolemia as a Risk Factor for type 2 Diabetic Retinopathy. JMMC.ISSN:2075-9983; Oct 2014-Aprir 2014: Page 05-07.
Jawaid Hussain Memon, Uzma Bukhari, Saleem Sadiq, Nadeem Ahmed Rizvi. Evaluation of Abram’s Needle Pleural Biopsy Verses Pleuroscopic Biopsy at Tertiary Care Hospital. JPUMHS; Dec 2014; 4(4); Page 246-248.
Bukhari U, Sonia SA, Khooharo Y. Histopathological Audit of Oral Epithelial Lesions. Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal. 2014; 34(3) :457-461.
Bukhari U, Jamal S, Lateef F. Histopathological Audit of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in a tertiary care Hospital. Medical Channel. 2014;20(3):46-48.
> Bukhari U, Memon Q Memon H. Frequency and Pattern of Ovarian tumours. Pak J Med Sci. 2011;27(4):884-886.
Bukhari U, Sadiq S, Memon JH. Thyroid carcinoma- Experience at Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre Karachi. JPMA 2010;60:365-367. 2009
Bukhari U, Siyal R, Memon FA. Oesophageal Carcinoma. A review of Endoscopic biopsies. Pak J Med Science. 2009;25(5):845-848.
Bukhari U, Sadiq S, Kehar SI. Differential Expression of CK19 in follicular adenoma, Well-differentiated tumour of Uncertain malignant potential and follicular variant of papillary carcinoma. JPMA.2009;59:15-18. 2008
Bukhari U, Sadiq S. Histopathological Audit of Goiter.a study of 998 thyroid Lesions. Pak J Med Sci. 2008;24(3): 442-446. 2007
Bukhari U, Sadiq S. Analysis of the Underlying Pathological lesions in Hysterectomy Specimens. Pak J Pathol 2007;18(4): 110-112.
Case Reports:
Shahjahan K, Maria S, Hira M, Uzma B: Life changing surgical resection of a rare gigantic gingival fibromatosis: a case report. Mal. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2022; 20: 9–13.
Ahmed S, Nasir M, Khan MS, Naz M, Bukhari U. A Case of Proliferative Verrucous Leukoplakia with Dysplastic Changes. J Bahria Uni Med Dental Coll. 2022; 11(3): 172-174 DOI: 10.51985/JBUMDC202238 .
Uzma Bukhari , Durr-e-Sameen Kamran , Hira Salam. Sanaa Ahmed, Muhammad Nasir, M. Sibghatullah Khan, Maria Naz, Uzma Bukhari. Primary Myxopapillary Ependymoma of Fourth Ventricle: First Case Report in a Two-Year-Old Child. Khyber Med Univ J 2020;12(1):58-60. DOI 10.35845/kmuj.2020.19677.:
Yusra Shafique, Uzma Bukhari. Primary Squamous cell carcinoma of prostate: A diagnostic dilemma: International Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Reviews.2020. 2(4); DOI: 10.31579/2690-4861/020.