Dr. Saima Samad


Dr. Saima Samad


Senior Registrar Infectious Diseases


  • MBBS
  • FCPS (Medicine)
  • FCPS (Infectious Diseases)
  • M.phil (Global Health University of Bergen Norway)


  1. Viral suppression with antiretroviral therapy after single drug substitution of efavirenz with dolutegravir at an HIV Centre in Karachi, Pakistan VOL 33 NO.1 ( 2024) INFECTIOUS DISEASES JOURNAL OF PAKISTAN. Infect Dis J Pak 2024; 33 (1): 24-30Infect Dis J Pak 2024; 33 (1): 24-30
  2. Clinical and microbiological characteristics and outcome of patients with healthcare associated ventriculitis and meningitis at a Public Sector Hospital in Pakistan Vol. 33 No. 3 (2024): INFECTIOUS DISEASES JOURNAL OF PAKISTAN.