Dr. Saba Al-Khairy
Assistant Professor
9th Floor, SMBBIT, Chand Bibi Road, Karachi
- MBBS (2000-2006, Sindh Medical College)
- FCPS (Ophthalmology March 2014)
Oculoplastics, Cataract, Pediatrics, Strabismus, Diabetes, Refractive Errors
Research Gate/ORCID link
List of Selected Research Publications (with DOI citation)
- “Prevalence of Refractive errors and their relation to age and sex presenting to the OPD of Dow International Medical College” published.Citation of article: Rasheed A, Alkhairy S, Siddiqui F, Hassan M. “Prevalence of Different RefractiveErrors and their Relation to Age and Sex in Patients Presenting in the Outpatient Department of Ophthalmology at Dow University of Health Sciences”. Med Forum 2015;26(1):50-54.
- ”Improvement of visual acuity in diabetic and non-diabetic patients after Nd:yag laser capsulotomy”Citiation of article:TMuhammad,AMuhammad,A Saba .Improvement of visual acuity in diabetic and non-diabetic patients after Nd:yag laser capsulotomy.Clinical Ophthalmology 2013:7 2011-2017
- ”Frequency of Diabetic Retinopathy in Karachi Pakistan.A hospital based study.”Rasheed A,A Saba,SFarnaz.Citiation of article: Frequency of Diabetic Retinopathy in Karachi Pakistan.A hospital based study.Journal of Dow University of Health Science Karachi 2015.Volume 9.page 56-59
- ’Cycloplegic refraction in children with cyclopentolate versus atropine’.ASaba,HMazhar,RasheedA.Citiation of article: ’Cycloplegic refraction in children with cyclopentolate versus atropine’Med Forum Journal Sep 2014.Vol 26.No 9.
- .Screening of patients for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virusis undergoing ocular surgery.SFarnaz,ARasheed,A Saba.Screening of patients for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C virusis undergoing ocular surgery.Med Forum Journal Sep 2014.Vol 26.No 3.
- Anthropometric measurements in Pakistani population.A Saba, S Farnaz,HMazhar.Pak J Ophthalmol 2016,Vol 32 No 1
- Prevalence of Amblyopia in children in Karachi, Pakistan A Hospital based study.ASaba,SFarnaz,HMazhar.Pak J Ophthalmol 2016, Vol 32 No 2
- Stress and Phaco Surgeon.An unavoidable Association.ASaba,Farnaz S,H Mazhar.Pak J ophthalmol 2016 Vol 32 No 4
- Relationship between Body Mass Index and Intraocular Pressure in Diabetic and Hypertensive AdultsFarnaz Siddiqui, Saba Alkhairy, Mazhar-ul-Hassan, Darshan Kumar Pak J Ophthalmol 2016, Vol. 32 No. 1
- The frequency of blindness and visual impairment in middle and older age individuals.FarnazSiddiqui,SabaAlkhairy,Mazharul Hassan.Pak J Ophthalmol 2017, Vol. 33 No. 1
- Association between Visual impairment and Socioeconomic factors in Karachi Pakistan.Saba Alkhairy, Zahra Turab, ArbazRiaz, AsharShah.Pak J Ophthalmol 2017,Vol No 33 No 3
- Hayat N, Alkhairy S, Cheema A, Ehsan M, Khan MA. Normal interpupillary, inner canthal distance and outer canthal distance in a normal population of Pakistan. Pak J Med Sci. 2019;35(1):50-55
- Resolution of Macular Oedema in Diabetic Patients Following Avastin (Bevacizumab) Intravitreal Therapy. Rehman A,Alkhairy S,Siddiqui F,Baig MS. Pak J Ophthalmol 2017, Vol. 33, No. 2
- Frequency of cataract and its association with tobacco use.Alkhairy S, Siddiqui F, Hassan M, Nayani A. PaKj J Ophthalmol 2019,Vol 35,No 2
- ”To study the associations of risk factors with childhood myopia”AlkhairyS,SiddiquiF,HassanM,MirzaA,NayaniA,Jawed M..Pak journal of SurgeryOctober – December 2019, Vol. 35, No 4
- ‘A curious orbital lesion in a young girl’. Alkhairy S.Pak J Ophthalmol 2019, Vol. 35, No. 4
- Frequency and causes of amblyopia in children visiting an eye opd of tertiary care hospital.JMadiha,HassanM,AlkhairyS,AzeemA,Siddiqui F, NizammudinM.International journal of ophthalmology sciences,March 2019, Vol 1(1):8-10
- Intraoperative and immediate post operative complications of cataract surgery in an eye camp.AzeemA,AlkhairyS,HassanM,AslamS,SiddiqueF.Pak J ophthalmol, May 2020;36(3)
- Sudden visual loss in a young patient with pulmonary hypertension:a rare finding.SabaAlkhairy,Aslam.Liaquat national journal of primary care 2020;2(2):32-34
- Alkhairy S, Baig M M (September 06, 2021) Ocular Neurofibromatosis. Cureus 13(9): e17765. DOI 10.7759/cureus.17765
- Jawaid M, Hassan M- ul-, Al-Khairy S, Siddiqui F, Azeem A. Frequency of Different Ocular Conditions Leading to Ocular Morbidity in Pediatric Age Group at Dow University Hospital. pjo [Internet]. 3Sep.2021 [cited 30Sep.2021];37(4). Available from: https://pjo.org.pk/index.php/pjo/article/view/1202
- Alkhairy S, Baig M M, Pasha U A (October 17, 2021) Unilateral Anophthalmic Socket Reconstruction With Dermis Fat Graft. Cureus 13(10): e18834. DOI 10.7759/cureus.18834
- An Assessment of the State of Misinformation Regarding Eye Diseases and Their Treatment in the General Public .Saba Alkhairy,Farnaz Siddiqui Muhammad Nizammudin et al..Liaquat National Journal of Primary Care 2022; 4(2): 1-6
- The unreconciled danger of stray animal attack.Alkhairy S Mirza M Ali A.JPMA June 2023;76: 6
- AlkhairyS.Akram N“Unusual Allergic reaction to intralesionalbleomucin in the treatment of hemangioma” JCPSP October 2023; vol 1:
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