Dr. Qaiser Ali Baig
Vice Principal & Associate Professor
Vice Principal Office, OPD Block 1st floor, DIDC Chanesar campus
1. Bashir MB, Zaidi SJA, Anwar M, Ruaaz R, Baqai HS, Baig QA. Relationship between Chronological Age and Dental Age Using Third Molar Calcification in the Pakistani Population. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2023; 33(01):15-15.
2. Baig, QA., Abban, S., Kamal, M. M., Muneer, M. U., Fiaz, M. B., & Tanvir, M. (2022). Development of Competency Framework Assessment Tool Regarding Antibiotic Prescription in Dentistry. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 16(12), 67-67.
3. Zaidi, S. J. A., Baig, Q. A., & Maqsood, S. (2022). Should Children in Pakistan be vaccinated? Is there any Evidence? Pakistan Journal of Public Health, 11(4), 208-210. https://doi.org/10.32413/pjph.v11i4.848
4. Zaidi SJA, Baig QA., & Taqi M. Closure of Parks in Lockdown! Is It Good or Bad? Pakistan Journal of Public Health, 2021, 11(2), 53-55. https://doi.org/10.32413/pjph.v11i2.821
5. Fareed MA, Bashir AF, Yousaf U, Baig QA, Jatala UW, Zafar MS; Trends in Resin Composite Restoration Repair Teaching in Dental Colleges in Pakistan; Eur J Gen Dent, 2021, Vol. 00 No. 0/2021. DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1732770
6. Panhwar M, Rajpar SP, Baig QA, Abrar E, Kumar K, Naseem M. Educational challenges and their influence on online teaching methods in Pakistani students during COVID 19 era. RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 677-680
7. Anzar W, Afaq A, Baig QA, Baig EA, Panhwar M, & Taheer TB. Social life habits regarding smoking and its perceived consequences among different professionals of Karachi: a comparative study. Pakistan Oral & Dental Journal, 2021; 41(2), 93-96
8. Anzar W, Afaq A, Baig QA, Osama MY, Bukhari IA, Vohra F. ‘Relationship Between Work-related Ocular Events, Facial Injuries and Associated Factors Amongst Dental Professionals during COVID-19’. 1 Jan. 2021: 1 – 8. DOI:10.3233/WOR-205101 IOS Press
9. Panhwar M, Rajpar SP, Talpur N, Baig QA, Kumar K, Banglani MA. Information technology (IT) application and challenges faced by medical & dental undergraduate students. RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 438-441.
10. Zaidi S.J.A., Baig QA., Shamim M, Community‐based near‐peer teaching of first‐year dental students. Med Educ; 2021- 55: 634-634. https://doi.org/10.1111/medu.14502.(IF:4.5)
11. Maryam, Baig QA, Esha A, Ashar A, Wajiha A, Salman S. To Assess and Compare Dental Consultancy Charges of Different Geographical Areas of the Metropolitan City Karachi. 2021- 3(4) OAJBS.ID.000254. DOI: 10.38125/OAJBS.000254, https://biomedscis.com/pdf/OAJBS.ID.000254.pdf (I.F:0.452)
12. Abrar E, Baig QA, Maryam, Afaq A, Anzar W; Efficacy of different endodontic procedure with post-operative pain and Quality of Life (QoL) using (OHIP-14). Professional Med J 2021; 28(2):218-223. https://doi.org/10.29309/TPMJ/2021.28.02.4622
13. Ali S T, Wajid H, Baig QA, Nadeem S, Impact on Pakistani Students Education and Life Pattern During COVID-19 Pandemic, Merit Res. J. Med. Med. Sci; 2020.8 (11) 660-664, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4293784
14. Abrar, E., Naseem, M., Baig Q. A., Vohra, F., Maawadh, A. M., Almohareb, T & Abduljabbar, T. (2020). Antimicrobial efficacy of silver diamine fluoride in comparison to photodynamic therapy and Chlorhexidine on canal disinfection and bond strength to radicular dentin. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, Elsevier, 32, 102066 (IF: 2.894)
15. Hussain NF, Sameen S, Baig QA, Effect of Dentist’s Attire on Patient Preferences for Treatment and Diagnosis in Urban Settings of Karachi, Pakistan, Merit Res. J. Med. Med. Sci; 2020. 8(9) 467-476, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4049891 (IF:1.42)
16. Anzar W, Baig QA, Afaq A, Taheer TB, Amar S, Impact of Infodemics on Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Sleep Quality and Depressive Symptoms among Pakistani Social Media Users during Epidemics of COVID-19, Merit Res. J. Med. Med. Sci; 2020. 8(3): 069-073, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3727246, (IF:1.42)
17. Baig QA, Zaidi SJA, Alam BF, Perceptions of dental faculty and students of E-Learning & Its applications in a public sector dental college in Karachi, Pakistan, JPMA, 2019,69 (9):1319-1324 (I.F 0.6)
18. Ali AA, Amin M, Zaidi SJA, Baig QA, Pakistani dentists’ attitude towards chair side screening of medical conditions, Pak Oral & Dent Journal 2017, 37(2); 325-330
19. Anzar W, Afaq A, Baig QA. Assessment of dental anxiety in adults undergoing dental procedures in Dow International Dental College, J Dow University of Health Sciences 2017; 11(1): 2-5
20. Hasan SI, Afaq A, Hussain M, Arsalan A, Khan, Baig QA, Arginine-An instant relief for dentinal Hypersensitivity, Pak Oral & Dent Journal 2017, 37(1); 92-95
21. Huda NU, Baig QA, Kamal MM, Khalid T, Perceived dental anxiety among patients according to different dental procedures, Pak Oral & Dent Journal 2015; 35(4); 653-656
22. Qaisar A., Asmat M., Fareed M.A., Baig QA., Noor N. Microbial contamination of pumice slurry, pumice powders and acrylic dentures constructed in dental laboratories of Lahore. Biomedica 2015; 31(2); 94-98
23. Fayyaz A, Fareed MA, Ehsan S, Baig QA, Noor NA. Repair or Replacement of Defective Direct Composite Restorations: A Survey of Dentists. J Pak Dent Assoc 2015; 24(1); 17-21 (HEC-Y Category)
24. Kamal MM, Baig QA, Fareed MA, Chaudhry NA, Rahbar MI, A Descriptive Study of Perceptions and Behavior of Water pipe Smoking among Students in Lahore, Pakistan, Pak Oral & Dent Journal 2013; 33 (3): 523-527
25. Chaudhry NA, Rahbar MI, Raza A, Baig QA, Self Perception of Malocclusion Among Dental And Medical Students, Pak Oral & Dent Journal 2013; 33 (3): 489-493
26. Baig QA, Afaq A, Nasir M, Qureshi M, Socio-economic Gradient & Its Impact of Dental Caries among School Children of Primary and Early Mixed Dentition, Medical Forum 2013; 24 (10): 20-24
27. Baig QA, Emotional Intelligence & Dental Undergraduates, Pak Oral & Dent Journal 2013; 33 (2): 367-369
28. Baig QA, Muzaffar D, Afaq A, Bilal S, Iqbal N; Prevalence of Self Medication among Dental Patients; Pak Oral & Dent Journal 2012; 32 (2): 292-295