Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Jat
Assistant Professor (Psychiatry)
Department of Psychiatry, Civil Hospital, Karachi
Years of Experience
- Jat MI, Wadhwani AK. Frequency of Anxiety and Depression among Patients of Psoriasis in relation with marital and socioeconomic status. Isra Med J. 2017; 9(4):205-207.
- Jat MI, Afridi MI, Kumar A, Lal C, Toufique F, Ram D. Frequency and pattern of common primary headache among depressed patients at tertiary care Center, Karachi. J Pak Med Assoc.2017;67(11):1689-92.
- Jat MI, Afridi MI, Amar W, Lal C. Prevalence of Migraine among patients of Depressive Disorder. Pak J Med Sci. 2018;34(4):964-967.doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.344.14693.
- Jat MI, Lashari K, Rind GR. To Determine the Frequency of Depressive Disorder among Patients Reporting to Primary Care Physicians at a Local Area in Karachi. Isra Med J. 2018; 10(4): 240-243.
- Jat MI, Bhutto AR, Hussain N, Anwar W. Frequency of Anxiety and Depression among Diabetic Patients and Association with duration of Diabetes Mellitus. J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci. 2018;17(03):170-3. doi: 10.22442/jlumhs.181730572
- Jat MI, Nankani AK, Kumar A. Identification and Association of Factors Responsible for Substance use Disorder among Cases Reporting to Psychiatric Out-Patient Department of A Tertiary Care Public Hospital. Isra Med J. 2018; 10(5): 286-290
- Jat MI, Kumar A, Rasool G, Kumar A. Bipolar affective disorder; to determine the association of different psychosocial risk factors for relapse in patients with bipolar affective disorder. Professional Med J 2019; 26(2):186-190. DOI: 10.29309/TPMJ/2019.26.02.3077
- Das K, Washdev W, Kazi AN, Jat MI, Siddiqi MN, Rehman RU. Living with schizophrenia: A cross-sectional study to measure family care burden. Isra Med J. 2019; 11(1): 20-23.
- Jat MI, Rind GR. Frequency of hbv, hcv, and hiv among injection drug users (idus), and co-relation with socioeconomic status, type use and duration of substance use. Professional Med J 2019; 26(7):1147-1150.
- Bhutto AR, Jat MI, Rafi S, Amar W, Arsalan M, Amanullah. Frequency of anxiety and depression in chronic hepatitis C patients visiting a tertiary care hospital at Gadap Town, Karachi. J Postgrad Med Inst 2019; 33(2): 125-29.
- Ram D, Lal C, Waheen MA, Kumar J, Jat MI, Maheshwari BK. Insomnia and co-morbidity among medical students. J Allama Iqbal Med Coll, 2017,15(4) 97-102.
- Jat MI , Washdev W, Saleem F , Sarwar A, Wadhwani A, Ahmed S. Frequency of Anxiety and Depression in relation to body mass index among patients Reported to a Tertiary Care Hospital at Malir Karachi. JPPS, 2020, 17(1) 27-29.
- Wadhwani AK, Ali W, Jat MI. Frequency of Depression among patients of breast cancer visiting to tertiary care public hospital at Karachi. J Liaquat Med Health Sci.2020;19(04):271-4.
- Das K, Jat MI, Qureshi S, Arain T, Haider A. Frequency of drug detoxification treatment completers and non-completers. Professional Med J 2021;28(4):533-538.
- ohttps://doi.org/10.29309/TPMJ/2021.28.04.3700
- Jat MI, Arain MT, Qureshi S, Das K, Haider A. Prevalence and Reasons of Use of Different Psychoactive Substances among Prisoners at Malir Prison, Karachi. Professional Medical Journal. 2020;27(7):1488-1492. doi:10.29309/TPMJ/2020.27.07.4473
- Washdev W, Jat MI, Taufeeq F, Arain MT, Yasien S, Ahmed S. Measuring Treatment readiness among Patients with body mass index [Online]. Annals ASH, KMDC,2020;25(2)97-103.
- Roonjho FS, Afridi MI, Jat MI, Hakro A, Washdev W, Badar A. Frequency of Depressive disorder among spouses of stroke patients in a tertiary care public hospital, Karachi. JPPS, 2020,17(4)20-4.
- Jat MI, Hindu RK, Juseja AK, Kataria CL. Poor adherence among cases of schizophrenia reporting to a tertiary care public hospital. RMJ,2021;46(3):660-67.
- Badar A, Taufique F, Lal C, Jat MI, Suleman F, Kumar A. Assessment of the frequency and level of suicide risk in patients with Schizophrenia presenting at a tertiary care hospital. JPPS, 2021,18(2)1-10.
- JAT MI, JUSEJA AK, LAL C, NANKANI AK, DARS JA, IQBAL N. Association of Somatic Symptoms with Depressive Disorder. PJMH.2022;16(1)519-22.
- Jat MI, Rajper AB, Lal C, Washdev. Cognitive Deficits in Patients of
- . 2024,31(9) Depressive Disorder. J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci. 2022;21(01):60-4. doi: 10.22442/jlumhs.2022.00885.
- Juseja AK, Jat MI, Gemnani VK, Nankani AK, Kumar R, Siddiqui SJ. Association of Life Events in Patients with Conversion Disorder. Med Forum 2022;33(4):70-72.
- Haider A, Qureshi S, Das K, Jat MI, Arain MT. Pattern of psychiatric referrals in a tertiary care public sector hospital of Karachi. J Postgrad Med Inst 2022;36(1):13-9. http://doi.org/10.54079/ jpmi.36.1.2982.
- Jat MI, Juseja AK. Frequency of anxiety and depression among patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. Professional Med J. 2022; 29(9):1400-1404. https://doi.org/10.29309/TPMJ/2022.29.09.6796.
- Jat MI, Kumar R, Khan BA, Nazir MB, Javed M, Farooq A. Beliefs about causes of psychotic disorders and subsequent help-seeking behavior in caregivers presenting at the Department of Psychiatry, Civil Hospital, Karachi. JPMA,73:17;2023,17-21.
- Hakro A, Afridi MI, Jat MI, Roonjho FS, Washdev W, Kumar A. Sexual Dysfunction among Males using Antidepressants. APMC 2023;17(2):164-7. DOI:10.29054/APMC/2023.946.
- Kumar A, Juseja AK, Jat MI, Gemnani VK, Wadhwani AK, Shaikh MZ. Frequency of Depressive Disorder among Patients with Type-I Diabetes Mellitus. Med Forum 2023;34(6):64-67.
- Juseja AK, Jat MI, Gemnani VK, Makhija HK, Jokhio SA. Frequency of anxiety and depression among patients undergoing renal dialysis. RMJ. 2024; 49(3): 507-510.
- Jat MI , Arain MT , Wadhwani AK , Washdev W, Kumar A, Kumar H. FAMILY BURDEN PERCEIVED BY PRIMARY CARE-GIVER OF INDIVIDUALS WITH SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER. Journal of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology1006-12.