Dr. Muhammad Amin Sahito
Assistant Professor
- M.Sc
- ssociation between periodontitis and glycemic control of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A case control study
- valuating Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Pakistani Dental Professionals Regarding Silver Diamine Fluoride
- Evaluating knowledge, attitudes and practices of Pakistani Dental Professionals regarding silver diamine fluoride.
- Exploring periodontal health awareness and practices among patients at Larkana Professional Med J 20019.26(3)399-403
- Evaluating occurrence of variable cleft lip and palate types among ethnic groups of Malysia. JPDA vol.27 no.01Jan-Mar2018.
- Oral clefts: parents and patients level of satisfaction with the out come of treatment in Malaysia. Professional Med J 2018,25(3) 428-433
- Perception of oral health and prevelance of dental caries among the students of Liaquat Medical University Jamshoro Professional Med J 2017, 24(12) 1894-1898
- Investigating psychosocial impact of cleft lip and palate on patients and parents PODJ Islamabad vol:36 no.1 january –march 2016
- A survey on current impression techniques and materials used for complete denture fabrication practiced by private practitioners in sind. Pakistan Oral and Dental journal vol:36,no.1(January-march2016)
- Assessment of oral health impact on the quality of life (PODJ Islamabad)
- Demographic data on the characterization of Oral clefts in Malaysia PODJ Vol 35, no. 1, March 2015
- Assessment of infection control awareness in dentistry among the residents of Jamshoro power company jamshoro medical channel vol 21 journal September 2015
- Oral hygiene habits among the complete denture wearer patients visiting the Isra dental college Hyderabad PODJ Islamabad vol:34, no.4 december 2014
- Prevalence of dental carries among students of khairpur district PODJ Islamabad vol 34, no.4 december 2014