Dr. Muhammad Amin Sahito


Dr. Muhammad Amin Sahito


Assistant Professor





  • BDS
  • M.Sc


  1. ssociation between periodontitis and glycemic control of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A case control study
  2. valuating Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Pakistani Dental Professionals Regarding Silver Diamine Fluoride
  3. Evaluating knowledge, attitudes and practices of Pakistani Dental Professionals regarding silver diamine fluoride.
  4. Exploring periodontal health awareness and practices among patients at Larkana Professional Med J 20019.26(3)399-403
  5. Evaluating occurrence of variable cleft lip and palate types among ethnic groups of Malysia. JPDA vol.27 no.01Jan-Mar2018.
  6. Oral clefts: parents and patients level of satisfaction with the out come of treatment in Malaysia. Professional Med J 2018,25(3) 428-433
  7. Perception of oral health and prevelance of dental caries among the students of Liaquat Medical University Jamshoro Professional Med J 2017, 24(12) 1894-1898
  8. Investigating psychosocial impact of cleft lip and palate on patients and parents PODJ Islamabad vol:36 no.1 january –march 2016
  9. A survey on current impression techniques and materials used for complete denture fabrication practiced by private practitioners in sind. Pakistan Oral and Dental journal vol:36,no.1(January-march2016)
  10. Assessment of oral health impact on the quality of life (PODJ Islamabad)
  11. Demographic data on the characterization of Oral clefts in Malaysia PODJ Vol 35, no. 1, March 2015
  12. Assessment of infection control awareness in dentistry among the residents of Jamshoro power company jamshoro medical channel vol 21 journal September 2015
  13. Oral hygiene habits among the complete denture wearer patients visiting the Isra dental college Hyderabad PODJ Islamabad vol:34, no.4 december 2014
  14. Prevalence of dental carries among students of khairpur district PODJ Islamabad vol 34, no.4 december 2014