Dr. Imtiaz Ali Waggan
Professor / Head of Department
HOD Room, Ground Floor, Anatomy Block
MBBS, University of Sindh Jamshoro
MPHIL, Univeristy of Karachi
• Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Janjua Muhammad Zahoor. Protective Role of Anti-Oxidant against Caecal Ulcerogenicity by Diclofenac Sodium in Young Wistar Albino Rats. The Medical Channel Journal: 2003; 9 (4): 09-13.
• Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Ahmed Masood. Effects of Vitamin-E (a-Tocopherol) on the Morphology of Caecal Mucosa of Albino Rats. The Journal of Baqai Medical University: 2003; 6(1) and (2): 10-11.
• Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Janjua Muhammad Zahoor. Effects of Diclofnac Sodium on the Morphology of Caecal Mucosa of Albino Rates. The Medical Channel Journal: 2004; 10 (1) 2nd Series: 61-63. [PDF] [Google Scholar]
• Waggan Imtiaz Ali. Effects of Diclofenac Sodium (NSAID) on Crown—Rump Length (CRL) of Immature Albino Rats. The Medical Channel Journal: 2004; 10(2): 63-64.
• Siddiqui Naseemullah, Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Begum Ameena & Memon Zahida. Role of Losartan in Diabetic Nephropathy. Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology: 2005; 22 (2): 53-59.
• Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Siddiqui Naseemullah, Begum Ameena. Protective Role of Anti-Oxidant against Caecal Ulcerogenicity by Diclofenac Sodium in Albino Rats. Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology: 2007; 24 (1): 7-12.[PDF] [Google Scholar]
• Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Siddiqui Naseemullah, Begum Ameena & Siddiqui Asma Idrees. Effects of Diclofenac Sodium on Morphology of Caecal Mucosa of Young Wistar Albino Rates. Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology: 2007; 24 (2): 41-46.
• Siddiqui Naseemullah, Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Begum Ameena &Rehan Bushra. Effects of Angiotensin II Receptor blockers on Serum Cholestrol levels of Diabetic Patients in comparison with ACE inhibitors. Pakistan journal of pharmacology: 2008; 25(2): 47-52.
• Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Siddiqui Naseemullah, Khan Naheed & Jokhio Abdul Latif. Effects of the diclofenac sodium (NSAID) on collagen connective tissue fibres in caecal mucosa of albino Rats. Pakistan journal of pharmacology: 2009; 26 (2): 7-11.[PDF] [Google scholar]
• Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Khan Naheed, Shaikh Dur Muhammad & Jokhio Abdul Latif. Effects of the diclofenac sodium (NSAID) on goblet cells in caecal mucosa of albino Rats. The Medical Channel Journal: 2010; 16(4): 623-625.[PDF] [Google scholar]
• Yasmeen Talat, Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Parveen Khalida & Chishti Tariq. Effect of the diclofenac sodium (NSAID) on the basement membrane of Kidney Tubules in Albino Rats. The Medical Channel Journal: 2010; 16 (4): 626-629.[PDF] [Google scholar]
• Khan Naheed, Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Mustafa & Parveen Khalida. Lead induced effects on renal alkaline phosphatase with role of Zinc in albino Rats. Pakistan journal of pharmacology: 2011; 28 (2): 39-44.[PDF] [Google scholar]
• Shaikh Zulfiqar Ali, Ali Ghulam, Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Ali Hasnain G & et al. Medications Used During the Journey by Patients with Chest Pain Reporting to the Emergency Room at National Institute of Cardio-Vascular Diseases, Karachi, Pakistan. Journal of Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences: 2011; 10 (2): 59-63.
• Jokhio Abdul Latif,Malik Saima,Shah Azhar Ali,Waggan Imtiaz Ali,& et al. To see the gross qualitative parameters such as general appearance of rats and their testes after long and short term use of sildenafil citrate. Medical Forum Vol.23:No.05, May-2012 pp.30-33.
• Waggan Imtiaz Ali, Kolachi Ghulam Mujtaba & Dur Muhammad.Vitamin-E:Anti-Ulcer Activity;Beyond the antioxidant functions. Medical Forum Vol.23:No.11, November-2012 pp.18-21.
• Kaleem Sheikh, Gulshad, Syed Sohail Abbas Naqvi, Imtiaz Wagan, Asadullah Maher, Syedaabiya Amber Naqvi, Determine The Adverse Effects Of Formula Milk On Infants. P J M H S Vol. 15, No. 5, May 2021 Pp.1501-1503
• Gulshad Wagan, Abdullah Khilji, Kaleem Sheikh, Syed Sohail Abbas Naqvi, Imtiaz Wagan, Syeda Abiya Amber Naqvi, Association Of Adverse Effects Of Red Meat Consumption With Liver Cirrhosis. P J M H S Vol. 15, No. 5, May 2021 Pp. 1768-1770