Dr. Habiba Shah
Assistant Professor SPH
School of Public Health (SPH) (2nd FLOOR), Gulzar-e-Hijri Scheme 33, Ojha Campus, DUHS
PhD, M.Sc. & B.Sc. in Food Science & Technology, University of Karachi, Pakistan.
- Sundus, S., Hira, K., Sohail, N., Habiba., Tariq, A., Ara, J., Sultana, V., & Ehteshamul- Haque, S. (2021). Protective role of Pandanus tectorius Parkinson ex Du Roi in diabetes, hyperlipidemia, liver, and kidney dysfunction in alloxan diabetic rats. Clinical Phytoscience, 7(1), 1-13.
- Habiba, A. Tariq. R. Noreen. A. Rahman, H. A. Shafique, J. Ara and S. Ehteshamul- Haque 2021. Effects of fungicides and storage temperature in maintaining the shelf life and fruit quality of stored mango (Mangifera indica L.). Pak. J. Bot., 53(4): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30848/PJB2021-4(39)
- Habiba, Salma, Farhat, H., Urooj, F., Sultana, V., Ara, J. and Ehteshamul-Haque,S. Protective role of essential oils against postharvest decay and physiochemical characteristics of mango (Mangifera indica) fruit at room temperature (2020). Int. J. Biol. Res., 8 (1 & 2): 21-33.
- Rahman, A., & Ehteshamul- Haque, S., Habiba, Korejo, F., Ara, J. (2021). Biocontrol potential of Endophytic Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and brown seaweed enhances the plant growth and activity of antioxidant defensive enzymes in glycine max against Macrophomina Phaseolina. Int. J. Biol. Bioteh., 18 (1): 103-11.
- Noreen, R., Ali, S.A., Hasan, H.A., Habiba, Urooj, F., Ara, J. and Ehteshamul- Haque, S. 2019. Role of fluorescent Pseudomonas associated with root nodules of mungbean in the induction of nodulation by the rhizobia in mungbean. Pak. J. Bot., 51(3).
- Noreen R., Habiba and Ehteshamul-Haque S. 2019. Evaluation of Concurrent treatment of Rhizobia and Nodule Associated Fluorescent Pseudomonas along with Chemical Fertilizers on Root Knot Nematode and Root Rotting Fungi of Chickpea. Int. J. Biol. Res., 7(2): 95- 101.
- Habiba, Noreen, R., Ali, S. A., Hasan, K. A., Sultana, V., Ara, J., & Ehteshamul- Haque, S. (2019). Evaluation of biocontrol potential of epiphytic yeast against postharvest Penicillium digitatum rots of stored Kinnow fruit (Citrus reticulata) and their effect on its physiochemical properties. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 148, 38-48.
- Noreen.R., Habiba., Rahman, A., Shafique, H. A., Sultana, V., & Ehteshamul- Haque, S. (2018). Biocontrol and plant growth promoting potential of endo-nodule fluorescent Pseudomonas and rhizobia associated with root nodules of Leucaena leucocephala. Int. J. Biol. Res., 6, 15-26
- Noreen, R., Habiba, F. Urooj, H. Farhat, A. Rahman, H. A. Shafique and S. Ehteshamul- Haque. 2018. Impact of endo-nodule fluorescent Pseudomonas and rhizobia on root rotting fungi and growth of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr). Int. J. Biol. Res, 6(1), 27-33