Dr. Farah Saeed
Associate Professor & Incharge (Department of Pharmacognosy)
Suparco Road, off Main University Road, Gulzar-e-Hijri, Scheme 33, Karachi
- B.Pharm
- M.Phil
- PhD
1. Ahmad M, Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Noor Jahan, Alam SM. 2013. Novel investigations on Thuja occidentalis extract on rabbit hematological and biochemical parameters. Int. Res. J. Pharm; 4 (3):135-140.
2. Ahmad M, Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Noor Jahan. 2013. Anthelmintic and molluscicidal activities of some medicinal plants. Intl J Adv in Pharmaceu Res; 4(7): 1984-1994.
3. Ahmad M, Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Noor Jahan. 2013. Evaluation of Insecticidal and Anti-oxidant activity of Selected Medicinal Plants. J Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; 2 (3): 146-148.
4. Ahmad M, Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Noor Jahan. 2013. Neuro-pharmacological and analgesic effects of Arnica Montana extract. Intl J Pharm Pharmceu Sci; 5(4): 590- 593.
5. Ahmad M, Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Noor Jhan. 2013. Studies on Poly-herbal drug (JPR-1) used for arthritis. Unique J Ayur & Herbal Medicine. 1(2): 31 – 40.
6. Ahmad M, Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Sherwani SK, Jahan N. 2014. Evaluation of anti-microbial potential of some medicinal plants; Intl J Phytomedicine. 6 (1): 115 – 121.
7. Noor-Jahan, Ahmad M, Mehjabeen, Farah-Saeed, Amber, Rehman AB, Muhammad S. 2014. Anti-nociceptive Activity of Seed Extract of Vernonia anthelmintica Willd. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 27(6): 2177-2181.
8. Muhammed S, Mehjabeen, Noor-Jahan, Farah-Saeed. 2014. Hepato-protective and toxicological studies of Salvia bucharica methanolic extract in rabbits. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 27(6): 2189-2195.
9. Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Noor-Jahan, Ahmad M. 2014. In vivo evaluation & safety profile evaluation of Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. extract in rabbits. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 27(6): 2197-2205.
10. Rasheed A, Habib S, Dar MI, Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Noor-Jahan. 2014. Effect of risk factors like age, gender, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, dyslipidemia on coronary artery disease in Karachiites with angiographical data of local population: number, site, severity of coronary lesion. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 27(6): 2207-2212.
11. Owais F, Anwar S, Farah-Saeed, Muhammad S, Ishtiaque S, Mohiuddin O. 2014. Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory and CNS depressant effects of Atropa belladonna. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 27(6): 2183-2187.
12. Noor-Jahan, Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Alam SM, Ahmad M. 2014. Effects of Thuja occidentalis extract on histo-pathological parameters in rabbits treated with and without carbon tetrachloride. Br J Med Health Res. 1 (2): 16-24.
13. Mehjabeen, Farah-Saeed, Ahmad M, Noor-Jahan. 2015. Evaluation of protective effect of Apis mellifica against CCl4 induced toxicity in rabbits. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmaceutical Research. 7(1): 23-27.
14. Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Sherwani SK, Noor-Jahan, Ahmad M. 2015. Diuretic & Anti-urolithic activity of some crude extracts. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and phytochemical Research. 7(1): 128-131.
15. Quds T, Farah-Saeed, Shakeel S, Yasmin R, Farooqi S. 2015. Pharmacy students’ perception and attitude towards the scope of Clinical Pharmacognosy course in Pakistan. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 4(3): 67-75.
16. Farah-Saeed, Noor-Jahan, Mehjabeen, Ahmad M. 2015. Evaluation of neuro- pharmacological activities in six homoeopathic drugs. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 9(11): 367-374.
17. Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Noor-Jahan, Ahmad M. 2015. Haematological, Biochemical and Histopathological studies of Cicuta virosa extract on winstar rabbits. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research. 4(4): 238-243.
18. Farah-Saeed, Mansoor Ahmad, Mehjabeen, Noor-Jahan, SM Alam. 2015. Neuro- pharmacological, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of crude extract of Cicuta virosa. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 6(4): 515-522.
19. Mehjabeen, Farah-Saeed, Noor-Jahan, Ahmad M. 2015. Effects of A. mellifica extract on the hematological, biochemical evaluation, urine analysis and histo- pathological parameters of white albino rabbits. International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences.7 (5): 127-129.
20. Mehjabeen, Ahmad M, Noor-Jahan, Farah-Saeed, Rehman AB. 2015. The role of Elleteria cardamomum (L.) Maton in inflammatory, gastrointestinal and stress disorders. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phyto-pharmacological Research; 4(6): 302-305.
21. Noor-Jahan, Ahmad M, Mehjabeen, Farah-Saeed, Muhammad S, Rehman AB. 2015. In vitro Intestinal Activity of Leaves Extract of Dryopteris chrysocoma. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmaceutical Research; 7(3): 130-134.
22. Farah-Saeed, Mehjabeen, Noor-Jahan, Tao Li, Ahmad M. 2015. In vivo studies: multi-disciplinary action of Digitalis purpurea Linn. extract in rabbits. Int. J. Res. Pharm. Sci; 6(2): 89-99.
23. Farah-Saeed, Alam SM, Mehjabeen, Noor Jahan, Ahmad M. 2015. Evaluation of analgesic activity by aceti acid and formalin methods in six homeopathic drugs. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology; 9(24): 603-608.
24. Ahmad M, Mehjabeen, Alam SM, Noor Jahan, Farah-Saeed, Khan Z. 2015. Neuro- pharmacological and biological activities of Fumaria indica. International Journal of Phytomedicine; 7(1): 62-68.
25. Farah-Saeed, Mansoor Ahmad. 2016. Anti-inflammatory action in drugs of natural origin: Apis mellifica L., Arnica montana L., Digitalis purpurea L., Sambucus nigra L., Thuja occidentalis L., Urtica urens L. and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi L. IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy; 6(5): 31-34.
26. Farah-Saeed, Mansoor Ahmad. 2016. Chronic toxicity studies: Effects of Urtica urens Linn. on hematological, biochemical and histo-pathological parameters in albino rabbits. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences; 11(3): 108-117.
27. Farah-Saeed, Mansoor Ahmad. 2016. Sambucus nigra Linn: In vivo studies on rabbits. Int J Pharm Pharm Sci; 8(7): 340-345.
28. Dnyanesh Limaye, Tarun Bhatia, Maitreyi Oka, Sonalika Bhattaccharjee, Bhavik Nagda, Vaidehi Limaye, Farah-Saeed, Mansoor Ahmed and Gerhard Fortwengel. 2016. An epidemiological study on prevalence of chronic diseases in post- menopausal women in Mumbai and Karachi. International Journal of Life Sciences and Review. 2(7): 1-9.
29. Farah-Saeed, Mansoor Ahmad. 2016. In vivo Studies: Effects of Arnica montana Linn. Extract on Blood, Urine and Histo-Pathological Parameters of Albino Rabbits. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research. 8(4); 197-203.
30. Farah-Saeed and Mansoor Ahmad. 2016. Pharmacognostic and phytochemical evaluation of eight crude extracts used in complementary and alternative system of medicine. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 5(5): 33-41.
31. Farah-Saeed, Ahmad M. 2016. Apis mellifica – An Effective Insect Drug. Hamdard Medicus; 59(4): 20-32.
32. Farah-Saeed, Mansoor Ahmad, Syed Mahboob Alam, Dnyanesh Limaye, Christina Mhaske and Kausar Perveen. 2017. Study on allergy triggering factors in university going students in Karachi, Pakistan: A cross-sectional study. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences; 6(5): 19-31.
33. Limaye D, Saeed F, Ahmad M, Pitani RS, Fortwengel G. Self-medication practices among university students from Karachi, Pakistan. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017; 4:3076-3081.
34. Alam SM, Farah-Saeed, Ahmad M, Hussain MU. 2017. Homoeopathic Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus. International Journal of Pharma Sciences And Scientific Research; 3(4):59-63.
35. Farah-Saeed, Ahmad M, Perveen K, Alam SM, Noor Jahan, Ali SM. 2017. Chronic kidney disease: a growing burden on Pakistani society – a cross-sectional study. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences; 4(10): 132-147.
36. Farah-Saeed, Ahmad M, Alam SM, Perveen K. 2017. Chronic Kidney Disease–A Multi-Center Study in Karachi, Pakistan. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 9 (12): 170-174.
37. Farah-Saeed, Ahmad M. 2017. Anti-diabetic and acute toxicity studies of Annona squamosa L. ethanolic leaves extract. International Journal of Phytomedicine; 9: 642- 647.
38. Farah-Saeed, Alam SM, Ahmad M. 2018. Trend of Karachitties towards Homoeopathic System of Treatment: A Cross-Sectional Study. European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. 5(8): 119-123.
39. Alam SM, Saeed F and Ahmad M. 2018. Effective treatment of leukemia by natural source medicines. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(2), 43-51.
40. Farah-Saeed, Alam SM, Ahmad M. 2018. Therapeutic efficacy of Crataegus oxyacantha L. For treatment of heart diseases: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Homoeopathic Sciences; 2(3): 03-07.
41. Farah-Saeed, Mansoor Ahmad, Syed Mahboob Alam. Conium maculatum: A review. 2018. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; 7(5): 621-629.
42. Limaye D, Ziesenis P, Limaye V, Ahmad M, Saeed F, Alam M, Rizvi R, Kapadi A, Sathe S, Fortwengel G. 2019. Oral cancer awareness among university students from Karachi. Pakistan International Journal of Advances in Medicine; 6(1): 40-45.
43. Limaye D, Ziesenis P, Limaye V, Ahmad M, Saeed F, Rizvi R, Kapadi A, Sathe S, Fortwengel G. 2019. Knowledge, attitude and practices of antibiotic usage among university students from Karachi, Pakistan. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences; 7(2): 519-525.
44. Limaye D, Fortwengel G, Pitani RS, Sathe S, Chivate S, Jagadale P, Saeed F, Alam SM, Rodilla V, Mounib C, Santiesteban Jr E. 2020. Perception of university students about doctors and quality of health care provision at clinics: a multi-national study in India, Pakistan, Spain and United States of America. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences; 8(1):1-9.
45. Limaye D, Sireesha E, Sumalatha C, Tuneela D, Harshini MS, Chivate S, Saeed F. 2020. Review of Literature to Understand Role of Pharmacy Professional in Patient Counseling. Studies in Indian Place Names; 40 (74): 1536-1545.
46. Farah-Saeed, Alam SM, Memon AS. 2021. Pharmacopeial Testing of Poly-Herbal Formulation for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus. Asian Journal of Medicine and Health; 19(12): 31-40.
47. Alam SM, Jamali S, Farah-Saeed, Umair U. 2021. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Dog Bite Patients and their Attendants Visiting Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre – A Tertiary Care Hospital in Karachi. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International; 33(60A): 326-341.
48. Farah-Saeed, Akhter H, Raza U, Ali MW, Nasir H. 2021. Preparation and Standardization of an Anti-Oxidant Poly-Herbal Formulation: Prospective Anti- Cancer Medicine. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research; 16(4): 263-274.
49. Farah-Saeed, Hadiqa M. Akhtar, Usama Raza, Muhammad W. Ali, Habiba Nasir. 2022. Behavioral, Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory and Acute Oral Toxicity Studies on Poly-Herbal Formulation with Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Cancer Effect. Trop J Nat Prod Res, October 2022; 6(10):1597-1601.
50. Minhaj Usmani T, Mahboob Alam S, Ghafoor R, Quddos Latif A & Saeed F. (2022). Association of Serum Zinc Levels with Acne Vulgaris: A Case-Control Study. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 3(7): 195-198.
51. Farah-Saeed. (2023). Significance of Clinical Pharmacognosy Course in Pharmacy Curriculum: for Effective and Safe Delivery of Natural Medicines. Archives of Nutrition and Public Health 5(1): 1 – 6.