Dr. Faisal Asad
Head Department of Pulmonology, Sleep Lab and ICU
Sleep lab, Second floor, Main DUH building, Ojha Campus.
Years of Experience
- FCPS(Medicine)
- FRCP(Glasgow)
- MRCP(UK)(Respiratory Medicine)
- Board Certification in Respiratory Medicine (UK)
- F Asad, M Moin at el. Correlation of Neck circumference and CPAP among patients of
- Obstructive Sleep. PJMH S 2022; 16(10): 485-7
- Khan SA, Manohar M, Khan M, Hasan N, Zaheer S, Asad F, Adil SO. Utility of the serial portable
- chest x-ray for the diagnosis and quantification of COVID-19 patients, Journal of Taibah
- University Medical Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtumed.2022.09.006
- M Moin, F Asad at el. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure therapy improves the Quality of Life
- among Obstructive Sleep Apnea individuals in the Pakistani Population. PJMH S 2022; 16(10):
- 105-7
- Asad F, Sahito AA at el. Correlation of Epworth score and Neck circumference in Pakistani
- adults: A cross sectional study. APMC 2022;16(2):79-82
- F Asad at el. Relationship of Neck circumference and Obstructive sleep apnea: A cross sectional
- study in Pakistani adults. JPRI, 34(44A):47-53, 2022; Article no. JPRI.89279
- M Moin, H Rizvi, M S Baig, F Asad at el. Impact of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy
- on Body Weight in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. P J M H S Vol. 16, No. 04, APR 2022
- F Asad, AA Sahito, M Moin, U Ikhlaq, Ubedullah and F U Rahman. Role of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI)/Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs) and Hydrocortisone
- in COVID-19 Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. JPRI, 34(26A): 7-12, 2022; Article
- no.JPRI.82598
- Asad F. Pulmonary Hypertension is still an ‘Orphan Lung Disease’ in Pakistan. Pak Heart J
- 2021;54(01):1-2
- Dessai TD, Amini SS, Asad F, Kutty H. Prevalence of vestibular migraine in Dubai. Hamdan Med J
- 2019;12:19-22.
- F Asad, A R Fernandez, A Kumar, Mohammad A S. Co-existence of Asthma with Allergic Rhinitis
- and Common Allergens in Al Ain, UAE. ASH & KMDC 20(2):137;2015
- A Alzaabi, Asad F, J Abdou at el. Prevalence of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Abu
- Dhabi, UAE. Respiratory medicine 105, 566-70; 2011.
- Abstract Publication on preliminary data in Chest December 2010 “COPD prevalence in Abu
- Dhabi, UAE”.
- Research thesis titled “Nosocomial infections in intensive care unit” approved by College of
- Physicians & surgeons of Pakistan for fellowship in internal medicine.