Dr. Danish Ur Rahim
Assistant Professor /Member of Board of Studies / MBBS Course Coordinator
Baba-e-Urdu Road Karachi Department of ENT-nit-II Dr. Ruth K. M Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi
Head & Neck Cancer
Nose & Ear Diseases
Research Gate/ORCID link https://orcid.org/ 0009-0003-0260-1037
List of Selected Research Publications (with DOI citation)
- Anosmia and Ageusia in patients with COVID-19. Pakistan armed forces medical journal. DOI: https:doi.org10.51253pafmj.v71iSuppl-3.7934
- Post parotidectomy facial nerve palsy: A retrospective analysis Pakistan journal of medical sciences DOI: https:doi.org10.12669pjms.36.2.1706
- Efficacy of Sucralfate in Alleviation of postoperative morbidity after tonsillectomy. The professional, Faisalabad DOI: 10.29309TPMJ2020.27.3.3815
- Analysis of sensorineural hearing loss by Pure Tone Audiometery in chronic suppurative otitis media DOI: https:doi.org10.58397ashkmdc.v26i1.428
- Comparision of the success rate of graft uptake in underlay and onlay myringoplasty DOI:
- www.pjorl.com
- To Assess Frequency of inconclusive biopsy in oral squamous cell carcinoma: A Diagnostic Dilemma DOI:
- www.pjorl.com
- Sensitivity of antibiotics against Psuedomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in chronic suppurative otitis media DOI: https:www.rmj.org.pkfulltext27-1467272347.pdf
- Frequency of cervical metastasis in oral cancer DOI: https:www.pakmedinet.comsearch.php?q=Frequency+of+cervical+metastasis+in+oral+cancerj=PJOHNS
- Presentation, Management and Outcome of Surgery PF Thyroid Swellings by ENT Head and Neck Surgeons at Civil Hospital Karachi. DOI: https:www.pakmedinet.comjournal401August201211(2)
- Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma: Stage and Surgical Approach DOI: https:www.pakmedinet.comjournal401April20098(1)
- Frequency, Presentation And Management of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma DOI: https:scholar.google.com.pkscholar?q=Frequency,+Presentation+And+Management+of+Juvenile+Nasopharyngeal+ Angiofibromahl=enas_sdt=0as_vis=1oi=scholart
- Foreign Bodies of Ear in Children Presenting At Civil Hospital Karachi DOI: https:www.pakmedinet.comjournal351April200824(2)
- Prescription pattern in patients with acute tonsillitis attending out patient department Pakistan journal of Medical Health Sciences DOI: https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs0202418141
- Previous/Current Research Funding (Including VCSFI funding)
- Title of the Grant
- Funding Agency
- Start and End Date (Years only)
- Total Funding