Dr. Ambreen Qamar
Associate Professor
Room No.9, Gound Floor, DIMC building, Ojha Campus
- MPhil
- PhD
Physiology, Medicine, Sleep medicine, Pulmonology
ResearchGate/ORCID link : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ambreen-Qamar-2
List of Selected Research Publications (with DOI citation)
- Shakeel S, Iffat W, Qamar A. Physicians’ Apprehensions in Managing a Febrile Child. Asian J Pharm Clin Res. 2014; 7(5):173-177
- Qamar A, Baig MS, Saifullah N. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Metabolic Syndrome; Causal Association or Co-Existence?. Med. Forum 2017; 28 (4): 188-92
- Qamar A, Ali SI, Ghuman F, Owais M. To Determine the Effectiveness of Work Motivation, Through Communication Skills Training Program: A study of Medical Universities’ Teachers at Karachi. Med. Forum 2017; 28 (8): 39-42
- Qamar A, Ali SI, Ghuman F, Owais M, Ahmed R. Effects of obstructive sleep apnea on lipid metabolism: a case-control study from a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan. Pak J Physiol 2017;13(4): 7-10
- Qamar A, Imran SH, Ahmed R. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Blood Pressure: a cross-sectional study in our local population. Med. Forum 2018; 29(9): 18-21
- Adil MS, Owais M, Qamar A. Impact of occupational Stress, Interpersonal Trust and Organizational Commitment on Valence, OCB and job satisfaction: A variance-Based SEM Analysis. Journal of Management Sciences 2018; 5 (1):36-61
- Qamar A, Haque Z, Baig MS, Owais M, Iffat W. Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Predictor of Abnormal Glucose Metabolism. Pak J Physiol 2018;14(4): 5-8
- Nazar S, Qamar A, Ahmed H, Mehboob A, Iffat W. Frequency and pattern of Dyslipidemia in Pakistani Females with coronary Artery Disease. Annals ASHKM &DC 2019; 24 (2): 70-75
- Nazar S, Qamar A, Rafique S, Zufishan S. Genetic variability of omentin-1 gene in apparently healthy population. Ann Jinnah Sindh Med Uni 2019; 5 (1): 10-14
- Imam S, Iffat W, Shakeel S, Qamar A, Usman N, Sultana N, Khan MF. Acquaintance of Botox: A cross sectional survey among female students in Karachi, Pakistan. Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol 2019; 13(7): 292-296
- Qamar A, Qureshi MA, Nazar S, Iffat W, Owais M. Physical Activity and Apnoea-Hypopnea index in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Pak J Physiol 2019; 15( 3 ): 67-70
- Nazar S, Qamar A, Mughal A, Butt F. Association of serum vitamin D and omentin-1 in patient with coronary artery disease. Professional Med J 2020; 27 (6) 1237-1243. DOI:10.29309/TPMJ/2020.27.06.4201
- Qambrani ZA, Jamali NA, Siyal H, Azhar S, Haque HIS, Qamar A. Impact of socioeconomic inequalities on child malnutrition” J. Pharm. Res. Int. 2020; 32(35): 114-119
- Khurram R, Razzak DA, Ahmed W, Qamar A, Mumtaz T, Sameed QA. Mental distress after 1st wave of COVID-19 among Medical Students. J. Pharm. Res. Int. 2020; 32 (44): 7-12
- Butt F, Rehman R, Qamar A, Nazar S. Levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in patients with Major Depressive Disorder and its relation to coping strategies. Pak J Physiol 2020; 16( 4 ): 24-28
- Wajiha I, Nesar S, Shakeel S, Qamar A, Nazar S, Rahim M, Tariq AB, Arshad HM. Measures of depressive Symptoms using Beck Inventrory-II among Healthcare Professionals during a Pandemic of COVID-19. Lat. Am. J. Pharm 2021; 40 (4): 729-34
- Shakeel S, Iffat W, Qamar A, Ghuman F, Yamin R, Ahmed N et al. Pediatricians’ Compliance to Clinical Practice Guidelines for Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Infants and Children in Pakistan. Healthcare 2021, 9(6), 701; https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare9060701 – 09 Jun 2021
- Qamar A, Haque Z, Zehra S, Baig MS. Obstructive sleep apnoea and Role of interleukin-6 as a circulatory biomarker: A cross-section study in our population. Pak J Physiol 2021;17(2):15–9
- Shakeel S, Iffat W, Qamar A, Butt F, Ghuman F, Malik IA, Rehman A, Jamshed S. Concept generation of cognitive enhancement: healthcare professionals approach towards the impact and utilization of cognitive enhancers in academic context. Heliyon 2021;7(10): e08118
- Shahzadah R, Butt F, Zaheer F, Imtiaz F, Qamar A. Knowledge of bedside ethics and its implementation in a public sector university hospital. Pak J Physiol 2021;17(4): 59-62
- Shakeel S, Iffat W, Qamar A, Nesar S, Butt F, Siddique SN, et al. Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice of obstetricians and gynecologists towards off-label medicine use in female reproductive health issues. Frontiers in Public Health 10.3389/fpubh.2022.829339
- Shakeel S, Iffat W, Qamar A, Rehman H, Ghuman F, Butt F, et al. Healthcare professionals’ compliance with the standard management guidelines towards the use of biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in rheumatoid arthritis patient. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022, 19(8):4699. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph19084699
- Nazar S, Qamar A, Baig MS, Butt F, Mughal A. Association of serum vitamin-D receptor protein with prediabetes in Pakistani population. Rawal Medical Journal 2022; 47 (2):293-297
- Qamar A, Haque Z, Zehra S, Baig MS. Obstructive sleep apnoea: Potential role of tumour necrosis factor alpha as a circulating biomarker. J Pak Med Assoc. 2022 ;72(7):1350-1354. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.3239
- Qamar A, Nazar S, Butt F, Iqbal F, Rehmani S, Haque Z. Plasma Adiponectin Levels in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Cross Section Study. Pak J Physiol 2023;19(1): 17-20
- Sahito FS, Imtiaz F, Qamar A, Bhatty S, Waseem HF. Glutathione and Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein as Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Essential Hypertension. J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci. 2023; 22(3): 1-9
- Qamar A, Hanif M, Haque Z, Zehra S, Baig MS, Samad A. Genetic Variant in TNF-α Gene and its Plasma Level in Relation to Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in the Pakistani Population. J Pak Med Assoc. 2022; 74: S-8 (Supple-2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA-DUHS-S03
- Qamar A, Hanif M, Ansari MN. Exploring the Impact of Interleukin-6-174 G/C Polymorphism on Plasma Interleukin-6 Levels and its Association with the Presence and Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in the Pakistani Population (submitted for publication)
- An assessment of the public awareness and perspectives towards
Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting in Karachi, Pakistan (submitted for publication) - An assessment of the public awareness and perspectives towards
Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting in Karachi, Pakistan (in process) - Healthcare provider’s knowledge/current practice with regard to CAM therapy (in process)
- Previous/Current Research Funding (Including VCSFI funding) : NIL
- Title of the Grant
- Funding Agency
- Start and End Date (Years only)
- Total Funding