Dr. Amanullah Lail
Assistant Professor
Pediatrics Medicine, virology, vaccination, Infectious disease, tuberculosis, malnutrition
Research Gate/ORCID link https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Amanullah-Lail
List of Selected Research Publications (with DOI citation)
- ENTERIC FEVER: IN ERA OF ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE. A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY (https://doi.org/10.53555/jptcp.v31i1.4152).
- Effect of Zinc on Febrile Seizure in Children: A Cross-Sectional Study (10.17720/2409-5834.v9.2.2023.093)
- Comparison of Transcutaneous Billirubinometer (M&B MBJ 20) to standard serum bilirubin measurements in preterm and term infants (10.48047/nq.2023.21.5.NQ222193).
- C-Reactive Protein (CRP) accuracy in infants presenting with neonatal sepsis (10.53555/jptcp.v30i17.2532)
- Pleural fluid alkaline phosphate levels to differentiate between tuberculosis and malignant pleural effusion a tertiary care experience (10.4236/jtr.2023.112009)
- Neonatal sepsis antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of blood culture isolation (10.31838/hiv23.03.156)
- studies Frequency of hypomagnesemia in patients with diabetes mellitus: An analytical cross-sectional (https://doi.org/10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S07.86).
- Frequency of severe pneumonia in children, According to IMNCI standards at tertiary care Hospital (https://doi.org/10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S07.87)
- Genomic characterization of lytic bacteriophages A¥L and A¥M infecting ESBL K. pneumonia and its therapeutic potential on biofilm dispersal and in-vivo bacterial clearance
(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micres.2022.127104) - Possible therapeutic effects of adjuvant quercetin supplementation against early stage COVID-19 infection: A prospective, randomized, controlled, and open-label study (DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S318720)
- Pan-cancer multiomics analysis of TC2N Gene suggests its important role(s) in Tumorigenesis of Many Cancers (10.31557/APJCP.2020.21.11.3199)
- Serologic Evidence of severe fever with Thrombocytopenia syndrome virus and related viruses in Pakistan (10.3201/eid2607.190611).
- Prevalence of EBV, CMV, and HPV in oral squamous cell carcinoma patients in the Pakistani population (https://doi.org/10.1002/jmv.25791)
- The prevalence of Hyponatremia in Pulmonary Tuberculosis patients, a tertiary care hospital experience from Pakistan (10.4236/jtr.2019.74026)
- Correlation between Infantile Vitamin D Insufficiency and the Incidence of Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2023176298).
- Frequency of p53 Mutations and Epstein-Barr Virus in Pakistani Gastric Cancer Patients and Their Association with the Tumor Grade (https://doi.org/10.55627/mmc.003.01.0288
- Status of vitamin D and evaluation of growth parameters seen in the children suffering from thalassemia major (https://doi.org/10.53350- pjmhs2023175587).
- Clinical spectrum and diagnosis of Enteric Fever:A cross-sectional study (https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2023175400)
- Compare the clinical severity and length of hospital stay in children with bronchiolitis treated with the 3% hypertonic saline nebulization versus normal saline and salbutamol (https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs2023173448)
- Comparing The Effect Of The SGLT-2 Inhibitors And DPP-4 Inhibitor Combined Therapy With Sulphonylureas And Metformin Combined Therapy In Patients With Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy. (https://doi.org/10.47750/pnr.2023.14.04.59).
- Relationship Between Intestinal Parasitic Infection and Anemia in School-Going Girls: A Cross Sectional Study. (https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22169905)
- HbA1c as an early diagnostic marker in gestational diabetes mellitus: A retrospective study. (https://doi.org/10.53350/pjmhs22169909).
- Analysis of the HBV Small S Gene Partial Sequences and its Implications for Detection, Prevention and Treatment in Pakistani Patients. (doi.org/10.55627/mmc.001.01.0022).
- Sub-genomic analysis of Chikungunya virus E2 mutations in Pakistani isolates potentially modulating B-cell & T-Cell immune response. (10.12669/pjms.37.1.3236).
- Factors influencing quality of life in patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in a Tertiary care hospital in Pakistan. (http://dx.doi.org/10.29271/jcpsp.2019.09.882).
- Differential Viral Load of HBV and HCV in Co-infected Patients: A Potential Battle between the Viruses. (10.38106/LMRJ. 2019.1.3-01).