Dr. Afrina Raza
Assistant Professor / Research supervisor for A3 group of batch D`26, DMC, DUHS
- M.Phil
Peadiatric oncology
Research Gate/ORCID link
List of Selected Research Publications (with DOI citation)
- Aroosa Jahan Altaf1, Afrina Raza2, Adeeba Salahuddin Khan3, Fareena Khan4.Prevalence of overall side effects after COVID-19 vaccines. Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ISSN: 1673-064X.http://xisdxjxsu.asia VOLUME 19 ISSUE 02 FEBRUARY 2023 629-644
- Afrina Raza1 , Shamil Ashraf2 , Soofia Nigar3 , Itimad Abdelsalam Mohamed Ayed4.Genetic Polymorphism of Thiopurine S-Methyltransferase in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Pakistan. Jan 2023 the “Pakistan Journal of Medicine and Dentistry, Zia Uddin University”.
- Soofia Nigar1, Sahar Mubeen2, Afrina Raza3 (2021). Effects of Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (Inject-able Contraceptive) on Serum Cholesterol level of Female Adult Albino rats. Isra Medical Journal, Vol 13-Issue 1, J an – Mar 2021.
- Raza Lubna, Raza A, Ali A, Hasnain A. (2019). Influence of dietary practices on Blood Pressure: Comparison between house wives and employed women. JPMA. The Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 31 May 2019, 69(6):857-863.
- Soomro, GS. Jameel, N., Khalil, R., Raza, A. Gul, T. (2016). Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis among illicit injecting drug users of Karachi, Pakistan. SMU MED J, Vol.3, No.1, January 2016, pp.582-605.
- Raza, A. (2009). Pharmacogenomic-related toxicity of 6-mercaptopurine in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology, Vol.26, No.1, January 2009, pp.55-60
- Previous/Current Research Funding (Including VCSFI funding)
- Title of the Grant
- Funding Agency
- Start and End Date (Years only)
- Total Funding N/A