Dorothy Lyall
Skill Manager
Dow Institute of Nursing and Midwifery, Ojha campus, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi
Mater-Die College (GOA) INDIA
DUHS: Forging a Tradition of Unparalleled Excellence in Education, Research, and Community Service, Setting the Bar High for Future Generations.
DUHS: Forging a Tradition of Unparalleled Excellence in Education, Research, and Community Service, Setting the Bar High for Future Generations
DUHS: Forging a Tradition of Unparalleled Excellence in Education, Research, and Community Service, Setting the Bar High for Future Generations
DUHS: Forging a Tradition of Unparalleled Excellence in Education, Research, and Community Service, Setting the Bar High for Future Generations.
DUHS: Forging a Tradition of Unparalleled Excellence in Education, Research, and Community Service, Setting the Bar High for Future Generations
DUHS: Forging a Tradition of Unparalleled Excellence in Education, Research, and Community Service, Setting the Bar High for Future Generations
Dorothy Lyall
Skill Manager
Dow Institute of Nursing and Midwifery, Ojha campus, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi
Mater-Die College (GOA) INDIA