Dr. Binish Rasheed

Binish Rasheed


Dr. Binish Rasheed


Assistant Professor




Dow institute of Radiology 2nd floor, DUHS, Ojha campus Karachi Teaching under graduates’ medical student and BSRT students.

Years of Experience



  • MBBS
  • FCPS
  • EDiR



  1. Rahim A, Rasheed B, Adil SO, Naz N, Aslam N. Effective strategy to cope the pain and discomfort among women undergoing mammography – A randomized controlled trial. Pak J Med Sci. 2023;39(5):1422-1428. doi: https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.39.5.750
  2. Rasheed B ,A.rahim etall. Does structured informational care reduce anxiety in patients undergoing MRI? A quasi-experimental study. Journal of Pakistan medical association JPMA vol 73 no. 07 . July 23 
  3. .Jabeen N, Walid A, Rasheed B, Naz N, Rahim A, Siddiqui RQU. Conventional    Ultrasonography: a Remarkable Tool in Early Detection of
  4. Benign Ovarian Lesions in Comparison to Gold Standard Mri. Pak Armed Forces Med J 2023; 73(2): 569-574. DOI: https://doi.org/10.51253/pafmj.v73i2.10303
  5. Fatima M, Rashid B, Amjad Z, Naz R, Rahim A. Forensic Age Estimation of Individuals from Computed Tomography Analysis of Medial Clavicular Epiphysis in Pakistani Population. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak 2023; 33(04):385-389
  6. Asma aijaz Hira Ahmed, Shazia Fehmi, Talat Samreen ,Rasheed B etall.A comprehensive computed tomographic analysis of pnematization pattern of sphenoid sinus and their association with protrusion/dehiscence of vital neurovascular structures in subset of Pakistani population.  DOI: 0.5137/1019-5149.JTN.40154-22.3 (Turkish Neurosurgery march 2023)
  7. Rafiq N, Rasheed B, Naz N, Al Qamari N, Azmatullah U, Rahim A. Utility of Unenhanced CT KUB: Beyond Urolithiasis. Annals of abbasi shaheed hospital and KMDC. 2023 Mar 1;28(1):45-52.
  8. Aijaz A, Khan N, Mubeen S, Rasheed B. Anatomical variations of human sphenoid sinus in terms of volume and septation pattern in a subset of Pakistani population using computed tomographic images. JPMA. 2022;72(702).
  9. Fatima M, Rasheed B, Murtaza G. Diagnostic Accuracy of Computed Tomography Based Anthropometric Measurements of Maxillary Sinuses in Sex Determination in Pakistani Population. AJSMU. 1Jun.2021 .7(1):3 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46663/ajsmu.v7i1.3-7
  10. Rafiq, N., Rasheed, B., Sattar, A., & Murtaza, G. (2021). Preparedness of Radiology Departments against COVID-19: An Online Survey. Annals of Jinnah Sindh Medical University, 7(1), 31-37. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46663/ajsmu.v7i1.31-37
  11. Rasheed, B., Qamari, NA., Farhan, N., Murtaza, G., Swaleh, A. Complications of tuberculosis spondylitis detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A low income country perspective. RMJ. (2021), [cited October 14, 2021]; 46(4): 826-829.
  12. Sattar, A., Rasheed, B., Farhan, N., Hafeez, M., Mughal, S. Morphologic abnormalities of diffuse liver diseases at triphasic CT exam. http://www.rmj.org.pk/?mno=81268 [Access: October 14, 2021]
  13. Jabeen, N., Rasheed, B., Imran, M., Zaheeruddin, Z., & Rahim, A. (2020). Mammographic density and its    association with molecular subtype of breast cancer. International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research (IJEHSR), 8(4), 238-248. https://doi.org/10.29052/IJEHSR.v8.i4.2020.238-248
  14. Farhan N, Naqvi S, Rasheed B, et al. (June 05, 2020) Identification of Significant Anatomical Variations in the Nose and Anterior Skull Base Using Computed Tomography: A Cross-Sectional Study. Cureus 12(6): e8449. doi:10.7759/cureus.8449
  15. Rafiq N, Sohail S, Naz N, Rasheed B,  Shahzad G. Transient Elastography of Liver Fibrosis In Chronic Hepatitis C Patients: Diagnostic Importance. PJR 2019 VOL 29
  16. Hafeez, M., Rasheed B. Sattar, A. Intracranial atherosclerosis presenting as sub arachnoid hemorrhage – a unique scenario. Pak J Radiol Jul – Sep 2018;28(3):246-8.
  17. Shahid, R., Rasheed, B. and Gulzar, R.  Diagnostic Accuracy Of BIRADS in Determination of Malignancy Taking Histopathology as Gold Standard.  Int j pathol. 2018;16(3)106-  111
  18. Rasheed B, Ahmed F, Iqbal Z, et al. Wandering spleen with tortion leading to infarction. European Journal of Radiology Extra 2011
  19. Rasheed B, Babar S, Murtaza G, Ahmad R. Evaluation Of Intra Cranial Aneurysms (ICA) By Multidetector Computed Tomography Angiography (MDCTA). PJR October – December 2009; 19(4): 111-115
  20. Ahmed R, Rasheed B, Kureshi S. Congenital Single Coronary Artery: A Rare Anomaly JDUHS 2008: 2; 115-117
  21. Dar MI, Manan AU, Rasheed B, Murtaza G, Ahmad M. Outcome of patients after coronary artery bypass grafting in cardiogenic shock. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 Aug;13(4):247-50. PMID: 17717500.