




Associate Professor



Dow Institute of Nursing and Midwifery, Ojha campus, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi


MSN, BSN Post RN, Specialization in Psychiatric Nursing, RN


1. Ghouri A, Badil, Raja, Ali SZ, Khan AR. Effectiveness of educational training related to disaster preparedness among nursing students. Ann Jinnah Sindh Med Uni 2020; 6(2):50-53. DOI:

2. Raja, Badil, Kumar P, Ali S, Shah H, Awan MF. Medication Administration Errors: A study of frequency and contributing factors among nurses working at tertiary care hospitals. Isra Med J. 2020; 12(3): 154-158.

3. Ali S, Raja, Badil, Kumar P, Washdev. Anxiety and Depression among Type-2 Diabetic Patients at a tertiary Care Hospital. J Med Sci 2020 April;28(2):129-135

4. Raja, Badil, Ali S, Sherali S. Association of medication administration errors with interruption among nurses in public sector tertiary care hospitals. Pak J Med Sci. 2019;35(5): doi:

5. Khan A, Raja, Badil. Prevalence of depression and its associated factors among nursing students in Karachi, Pakistan. Pak J Public Health. 2019; 9(1): 34-36.

6. Nasir A, Badil, Eliyas A, Sherali S, et al. Knowledge of antibiotic use, misuse and antibiotic resistance in the slum community in Karachi. Pak J Public Health. 2019; 9(1): 4-8.

7. Nasir A, Merchant S, Badil. HIV/Aids Knowledge and sex related health seeking attitude among young adults in Karachi, Pakistan. Pak J Med Dentistry. 2019; (3): 64-69.

8. Raja, Badil, Ali S. Wrong time medication administration errors and its association with demographic variables among nurses working in tertiary care hospitals. Karachi. J Dow Univ Health Sci. 2019; 13(1): 30-36.

9. Panhwar GM, Badil, Shaikh GM, Sherali S, Ghouri A. Job related stress and its various sources among nurses working at liaquat University hospital, Jamshoro. Pak J Med Dentistry. 2019; 8 (02): 75-79.

10. Eliyas A, Badil, Nasir A, Sherali S, et al. Mothers knowledge related preventive measure of pneumonia in slum community, Karachi, Pakistan. Pak J Public Health. 2018; 8(3): 156-9.

11. Sherali S, Badil, Awan MF. Comparison of Patient Knowledge about Discharge Care of Myocardial Infarction: A Quasi Experimental Study. Isra Med J. 2018; 10(5): 281-285.

12. Nasir A, Arif S, Badil. Contraception and Fertility Decision Making among Men Attending General Practice Clinics in Karachi, Pakistan. Pak J Med Dentistry. 2018; 7 (04): 76-80.

13. Badil, Raza Ur Rehman. Association of working experience and salary with occupational stress among nurses. J Dow Uni Health Sci. 2018; 12(1): 13-16

14. Badil, Rasheed A, Sherali S, Rehman RU, Siddiqui A. Occupational Stress and Its Associated Factors Among Nurses Working in Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospitals, Karachi. Isra Med J. 2018; 10(3): 166-170

15. Badil, Sherali S, Rasheed A, Siddiqui A, Channa GM. Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity and its Association with Occupational Stress among Nurses. Ann. Pak. Inst.

Med. Sci. 2017; 13(2).

16. Sherali S, Badil, Shah H, Siddiqui A. Assessing Knowledge about Post Discharge

Care among Patients with Myocardial Infarction. J Dow Uni Health Sci 2017;

11(2): 54-58.

17. Badil, Shah H, Ali SA, Siddiqui MA. Severity of Stress in Nurses Everyday Life in

Karachi, Pakistan. J Liaquat Uni Med Health Sci. 2017; 16(01):62-67.

Doi: 10.22442/jlumhs.171610508.

18. Badil, Shah H, Ali SA, Siddiqui A. Occupational Stress among Nurses of Tertiary Care Hospitals in Karachi, Pakistan. J Dow Uni Health Sci. 2016 Dec 20; 10(3).