Arshad Hasan
DUHS, DMC Campus, Baba-e-Urdu Rd, Karachi
FCPS, College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan
BDS, University of Karachi, Karachi Medical and Dental College
1. Association of Early Childhood Caries with Salivary Beta Defensin-3 and Childhood Anemia: A Case Control Study. BMC Oral Health. 2021. Accepted
2. Outcome of endodontic procedures performed by dental interns using Stainless Steel or NiTi files: A 10- year retrospective study. J Ayub Med Coll. 2021. Accepted
3. Access Cavity Preparations: Classification and Literature review of Traditional and Minimally Invasive Endodontic Access Cavity Designs. J Endod. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joen.2021.05.007
4. Effect of Natural and Artificial Dentine Conditioners on the Release of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor. J Endod. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joen.2021.02.001
5. Outcome of endodontic procedures performed by dental interns using Stainless Steel or NiTi files: A 10- year Audit. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2021 Accepted
6. The characteristics of post-natal pakistani women with chronic apical periodonititis. J Med Sci. 2020;28(4):313-317.
7. Self-Reported Effectiveness of e-Learning Classes during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nation-Wide Survey of Pakistani Undergraduate Dentistry Students. Eur J Dent:2020;14(suppl S1):S34–S43
8. Dental Care During COVID-19 Pandemic: Guidelines for Teaching Hospital OPDs. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2020;29(S):S43-52.
9. Erosive potential of 1% Phytic Acid on radicular dentine at different time intervals. European Endod J. 2020;5(1):38-42. doi: 10.14744/eej.2019.02411.
10. Practices of Dentists about Digital Techniques in Dental Radiology and Radiographic Safety. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2019;28(4):181-86.
11. Comparison of Post Instrumentation Pain Score in Irreversible Pulpitis with Occlusal Reduction Versus No Occlusal Reduction. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2019;28(4):162-65.
12. Impact of clinical workload on the lifestyle of dental professionals in Karachi. Pak Oral Dent J. 2019;39(3):285-88.
13. Predictors for Proximal Caries in Permanent First Molars: A Multiple Regression Analysis. J Contempt Dent Prac 2019;20(7):818-21.
14. Dental care seeking behaviour among patients of a tertiary care setting. Pak Oral Dent J. 2019;39(2):195-98.
15. Retrieval of separated instrument by trephining technique in radix entomolaris- a case report. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2019;28(3):143-48.
16. Perception of dental aesthetics and treatment needs among dental and non-dental students. Pak Oral Dent J.2019;39(1):75-81.
17. Technical Errors in Intra Oral Radiographs Obtained in Endodontic Department of A Teaching Dental Hospital. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2019;28(2):50-54.
18. Golden Proportion And Golden Standard Assessment of Maxillary Anterior Teeth among Undergraduate Students. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2019;28(2):74-77.
19. Hasan A, Khan JA, Ali A. Caries Susceptibility of Proximal Surfaces in Permanent First Molars: A Cross Sectional Survey. J Islamic Int Med Coll. 2019;14(1):38-42.
20. Hasan A, Ali Khan J. Combined Endodontic and Surgical Management of Twin Rooted Maxillary Lateral Incisor with a Palatogingival Groove. Iran Endod J. 2018;13(3):413-9.
21. Khan N, Hasan A, Ali SA, Hussain M, Iftikhar S. Profile of dental research in pakistani dental journals during last ten years (2003-2012). Ann Jinnah Sindh Med Uni 2015:1(1):2-6.
22. Editorial, What is Plagiarism. J Pak Dent Assoc 2015;24(01):01.
23. Restoration Of A Structurally Compromised Maxillary Canine With A Cast Post And Crown Lengthening: A Case Report. J Pak Dent Assoc 2015;24(01):52-57.
24. Hasan A. Smile makeover with all ceramic crowns and biologic shaping. J Implant Adv Clin Dent. 2014;6(3):43-51.
25. Hasan A, Shahid O. Esthetic restorations, the putty matrix technique. J Dow Uni Health Sci 2013; 7(3): 122-125.
26. Hasan SI, Hussain M, Qadeer TA, Hasan A. Dental Health Status of the Children Attending Private Schools in Karachi. J Pak Dent Assoc 2013;22(2):48-53.
27. Ali SA, Hosein T, Hasan A, Rashid S. In vitro comparison of the apical seal obtained by resin based and calcium hydroxide based sealers. J Pak Dent Assoc 2013;22(02):104-107.
28. Qazi FR, Jat SA, Hasan A, Abidi YA. Frequency and severity of post-operative pain in recently placed amalgam restorations. J Pak Dent Assoc. 2012;21(03):136 -140
29. Abidi YA, Jameel A, Hasan A, Rashid S. An evaluation of association between crown margins & materials with the periodontal health. J Pak Dent Assoc 2011;20(3):148-153
30. Hasan A et. Al. A Survey of knowledge of dentists in diagnosing pulpitis. J Pak Dent Assoc 2010;19(3):144-147
31. Hasan A, Ali M. Endodontic management of a severely curved mandibular second molar with modified double flared technique, report of a case. J Pak Dent Assoc 2010;19(1):54-57
32. Hosein T, Hasan A. Efficacy of chemo-mechanical caries removal with carisolv. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2008 Apr;18(4):222-5.
33. Hasan A, Bano SS. A cantilevered resin bonded bridge: a one year follow up – case report J Pak Dent Assoc Dec 2006;15(4):205-8.
34. Hosein T, Hasan A. Digital Radiography in Dentistry. J Pak Dent Assoc Jun 2004;13(2):91-8.
35. Hosein T, Hasan A. Pacemakers and Dentistry. J Pak Dent Assoc Dec 2002;11(4):215-8.