Emerging Leadership Academy


The Emerging Leadership Academy (ELA) at Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) was established in September 2023 with the burgeoning need for nurturing future leaders; addressing organizational and societal challenges; and promoting the core values of servant leadership. One of the program that ELA has offered to students is entitled: “Mastering the Art of Effective Leadership”. The primary objective of this program is to provide a comprehensive foundation for students to become effective leaders and to continue to enhance their human skills to be successful in their personal and professional lives.

While there are many different styles of leadership, ELA elected to embrace and propagate the fundamental values of Servant Leadership as enunciated by Robert Greenleaf in an essay published in 1970 entitled “The Servant as Leader”. A servant leader shares power, puts the needs of the people first, and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible. Instead of the people working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve the people. Some of the key principles and characteristics of a servant leader are articulated below:

By addressing these areas, an Emerging Leadership Academy is destined to play a pivotal role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle the complexities of the future.

Dr. Sohail Rao, MD, MA, DPhil

Dear Emerging Leaders,

Welcome to the Emerging Leadership Program! It is my pleasure to embark on this transformative journey with each of you. Our program is designed to cultivate the next generation of leaders who will drive innovation, foster inclusive environments, and make meaningful contributions to their communities and organizations.

At the heart of our program lies the philosophy of servant leadership. We believe that true leaders are those who serve others, empowering and uplifting their teams, and leading with empathy, integrity, and vision. Through this program, we aim to instill these values, equipping you with the skills and mindset necessary to lead in a rapidly changing world.

Our curriculum is built around several core principles:

  • Personal Growth:
    • We prioritize your individual development, helping you to become more self-
      aware and confident in your leadership abilities.
  • Collaborative Learning:
    • You will engage with a diverse cohort of peers, learning from their experiences and perspectives while building a strong network of future leaders.
  • Practical Experience:
    • Through hands-on projects, mentorship, and real-world challenges, you will apply your learning in practical settings, preparing you to lead effectively in any context.
  • Ethical Leadership:
    • We emphasize the importance of ethics and integrity in leadership, encouraging you to lead with a strong moral compass and a commitment to making a positive impact.

We have assembled a team of experienced faculty, and mentors who are dedicated to your success. They will provide guidance, support, and insights as you navigate your leadership journey.

I encourage you to take full advantage of the resources and opportunities available to you through this program. Engage actively, ask questions, challenge yourself, and support your peers.

Leadership is not a solitary endeavor; it is about working together towards common goals and inspiring others to achieve their best.

Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Emerging Leadership Program. I am confident that each of you will bring unique strengths and perspectives that will enrich our collective experience. I look forward to witnessing your growth and celebrating your achievements.

Together, let us pave the way for a brighter future.

Mastering the Art of Effective Leadership



  • The primary objective of this HYBRID online “live” and in-person course is to provide a comprehensive foundation for students to become effective leaders and to continue to enhance their human skills to be successful in their personal and professional lives
  • Once completed, the course will endow the participants with tools and skills to continue to improve their human skills and to transform the behavior of individuals within their sphere of influence


Sohail Rao, MD, MA, DPhil


  • A total of twelve (12) sessions each lasting approximately 2-3 hours minutes.
    • 3-4 sessions/month with relevant reading material and surveys
  • Maximum Number of Participants: 25-30 students/Cohort
  • Time: Saturday’s 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. PST
  • Cost: Fully Funded by DUHS
  • Selection Criteria:
    • Completed Application
    • Interview


Undergraduate and postgraduate students enrolled in various programs in Dow University of Health Sciences and its affiliated institutions who have shown leadership potential and a commitment to personal and professional growth.


  • Self-Assessment
  • Hard vs. Soft (Human) Skills
  • Engagement
  • Servant Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Communication
  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Difficult Conversation


The applications are closed for the Emerging Leadership Academy currently. They will be open in November,24 for Third Cohort of Mastering the Art of Effective Leadership

Click here to apply.

Cohort I

Over 200 students who were enrolled in various undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Dow University of Health Sciences and its affiliated institutions applied to be considered for acceptance in this program. Given the competitive nature of this program and the stringent the selection process, only 27 students were offered the opportunity to enroll.

The sessions commenced on Saturday, January 6, 2024, and after a brief hiatus (during Ramadan), students graduated on Saturday, May 18, 2024. The graduation ceremony was remarkable given the fact that students selected by their peers in the program shared their experiences as a participant of this innovative engagement. Dr. Mohammad Saeed Quraishy, Vice Chancellor, Dow University of Health Sciences served as the Chief Guest.

Cohort II

After successfully graduating its first cohort of twenty-four (24) students in May 2024, the Emerging Leadership Academy, Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS) initiated engagement with selected students in an innovative and novel program entitled “Mastering the Art of Effective Leadership”. 190 Students from 16 colleges, schools, and institutes at DUHS applied for enrollment in this coveted program. After careful review of applications (which included an interview) only 28 students were selected in the second cohort.

This highly interactive program will run for a period of 13 weeks culminating in a graduation ceremony in Fall 2024. During this period, students will have the opportunity to interact with talented faculty and staff who are committed to instilling in the students the core attributes of a Servant Leader. Topics such as servant leadership, accountability, communication, emotional intelligence, ethics and integrity, conflict resolution, strategic thinking, trusting teams, etc., will be discussed with the students.

Prior to initiating the program, all selected students were required to complete a detailed anonymous survey allowing faculty to have a better understanding of leadership strengths and opportunities for growth in this cohort. The data was analyzed using an advanced AI tool which provided additional highly valuable insight. Synopsis of this data was shared with the students during the introductory session. All selected students are also required to complete a “Personal” SWOT analysis and an assessment using CliftonStrenghts – a program designed to identify and help students understand their unique strengths and talents.

Contact Us



Mr. Muhammad Babar: 92332-3563225

Mr. Khurram Ahmad: 92335-3574691




Emerging Leadership Academy
5th Floor, Admin Block
DMC Campus, Karachi