Those who are selected / eligible for Prime Minister Laptop Scheme Phase III (2023) are advised to collect their Laptop positively by Monday, 23rd Oct, 2023 . (during working hours)
Those who are selected / eligible for Prime Minister Laptop Scheme Phase III (2023) are advised to collect their Laptop positively by Thursday, 19th Oct, 2023 . (during working hours)
Those who are selected / eligible for Prime Minister Laptop Scheme Phase III (2023) are advised to collect their Laptop positively on Saturday, 14th Oct, 2023 . (during working hours)
As you know the Higher Education commission has made some adjustments in laptop quota, which resulted in selection of more students for the Laptop.
All those students are advised to follow the cycle 2 of reverification of their assigned day and time.
The Laptop distribution ceremony will held on 5th october 2023 at Muin Auditorium, between 11:00 am to 12:30 pm .
all students are requested to attend the ceremony.
However the batch wise distribution of the Laptop shall occur from Pathology department Dow Medical college Karachi
Dow University of Health Sciences delightfully announce Laptop Distribution ceremony under Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme Phase – III (2023)
The selected students are advised to attend the ceremony on Thursday, 5th Oct, 2023 at 11:00 am. (sharp)
Venue: Muin Auditorium, Dow Medical College, Baba E urdu Road, karachi.
Download Distribution Schedule
Notice for Students
Application Status for Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme Phase III (2023)
HEC Student Eligibility Crteria
Important Instructions
- – The Laptop Distribution Ceremony Date will be announced after FINAL MERIT LIST.
– The Ceremony held at Governor House, Sindh regarding Distribution of Laptop had selected / limited applicants from all over the Sindh.
– Please donot spread false informations and visit this website for updates. (donot email for updates)
- – Students are adviced to email Super focal Person at in case of any correction in the record with documentary evidence before 16th July 2023 .
- – Students will be ineligible if they are not able to produce documentary evidence at the time of laptop distribution.
- – Students of AFFILIATED INSTITUTES are not eligible.
- – Please in each correspondence write your CNIC Number is subject line of email.
– CGPAs are taken from the examination department of DUHS.
– Students appeared in supplementary / retake exams are ineligible.