Empowering Leadership Competencies

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Embarking on an exciting expedition of faculty development to empower medical teachers as mentors, our fourth workshop series was centred on Empowering Leadership Competencies.
Dr Asima Faisal, Professor & Director of Academics, Institute of Business and Health Management (IBHM), DUHS with 30 years of experience in the Health industry facilitated this session. She brought a vibrant energy to the session through her leadership skills, fostering a conducive learning environment and engagement activities attended by senior medical faculty from 20 medical and dental institutions throughout Karachi.
The session promoted a deep understanding of leadership principles and communication skills with useful strategies for motivating and inspiring their teams.
This Faculty Development initiative is funded by the US Department of State, USEFP, and IIE, which marks a significant milestone in fostering regional and global partnerships in advancing medical education at Dow University of Health Sciences.